I’m just asking because once I noticed a man had model type good looks across a restaurant and I told my cousin. She looked at him and said to me, “You’re the cute type. He wouldn’t want you.” I wasn’t going to approach him anyway, but her remark surprised me. So I’m wondering if you have that type of look, what are your preferences when dating?

  1. What’s with these generalisations everywhere? Well I can’t tell you if I have model type good looks, but as a men I can tell you that there is no group of men who aren’t generally interested in cute type women – which should be obvious.

    If you liked him you should have probably tried speaking to him. Normally women won’t start conversations and all men that I know didn’t experience it at all or not often. It’s something that is generally positively received.

  2. Good looking guys, like not-good-looking guys, could go for anyone they are attracted to.

    Look at Pierce Brosnan’s wife.

  3. Since you asked.

    She doesn’t have to be jaw dropping but average or above it will do.

  4. Sweet and petite is my favorite but all women who are feminine and hygienic can get the business , there is plenty of me to go around…..

  5. I don’t know much about modeling but I’ve been asked to do porno on three different occasions so I guess that qualifies me to answer:

    Cute, chubby, bookish, stupid punk rock haircut, some ink in the skin and metal in the face, and I’m all over it.

  6. I feel like I say this atleast 10 times each day. This is the prime example of women having toxic, unreasonable standards and thinking that men are equally delusional, ruthless and pointlessly picky. And then they push that idea onto other women.

    Men are not like that. We’ll be interested in anyone and everyone. Using myself as an example, I used to be a fitness model and still do bodybuilding. But I prefer a thicker woman rather than one with shredded abs. But your friend would probably stereotype me and think that I only go for skinny girls with abs and all their bones showing, which I don’t.

  7. I wouldn’t say I’m model pretty but I’m a good looking dude.

    Cute, sexy, handsome, chubby, tall, short, it all doesn’t really matter. I’ve always been attracted to a certain personality type and it’s ranged across all body types. If she’s a little punk rock, active in the community, smart, and can banter then she’s got my heart.

  8. Hard to tell bc everyone has different tastes, so there will always be good looking men with less good looking women (at least conventionally). I used to model, think I am a good looking guy and I have no specific type. Having said that, many good looking men know they have leverage and will date women who are considered in their league.

  9. Men date women that we want to have sex with. That’s it. ‘traditionally beautiful’ women will have more men willing to have sex with her than ‘non traditionally attractive’ women. So Margot Robbie will have more men who want to date her then, say, Rosie O’Donnell. Are there men who would like to date Rosie? Sure. Just not a whole lot of them.

    Me, I prefer slender, tall women, typical model types. Why? I’m tall. I grew up in the hippie era, when it seemed like 99% of girls were skinny and had long straight hair. My sister’s best friend was a skinny tall girl with long straight hair. So that’s my favorite ‘type’, but I have dated short, fat women too. The only type I won’t date, are women with short hair. It’s simply a sexual turn off for me, and so why would I torture myself by trying to get turned on by someone who has a turn off? Now before you get angry and accuse me of choosing to not get turned on by women with short hair, try to remember this: We don’t get to choose what turns us on, or what turns us off. If we did, I’d choose to get turned on by short, fat, ugly women with bad hair, bad breath, a bad complexion, missing teeth, body odor, poor hygiene, and a nasty disposition. I’d be having so much sex I’d have to quit my job.

    But we don’t get to choose.

  10. Honestly, it would be the best for you to just do a little stalking and look up Instagram accounts of hot guys from your area and see what their girfriends look like.

    Here, you’re just going to get a lot of sweet bullshit that will probably make you feel better but is pretty far from the truth.

  11. They must look like they have a Snapchat filter applied to them permanently. The more makeup, the better. I don’t want to see any definition in the facial features. Just a flat, overly tanned ‘face’ with anime eyes and fake freckles. Preferably with some emojis floating permanently around their head.

  12. I find it unusual and concerning that your cousin was able to glance at a man across a restaurant and be able to immediately disqualify you from being good enough for him without any more of an explanation than the ‘scientifically reputable’ cute type.

    I am not a model by any means, but I can say with absolute certainty that the plurality of men want to make the determination of whether they are attracted to someone or not by themselves.

  13. men have very different tastes so what your cousin said could is wrong some men like the cute type some men don’t it comes down to a mans preference

  14. *”Men with model type good looks, -“*

    This is Reddit.
    What are you talking about?

  15. How tall are you? And what is your dress size..

    I prefer taller women. Size 4, 6 usually.

    “Cute” to me means good looking, fit…but shorter than 5′ 8″ or 5′ 9″.

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