What would be a well written “damsel in distress” character according to you?

  1. One that’s actively trying to not be one despite the odds being stacked against them OR someone that doesn’t like their limitations define them and finds creative ways to help themselves out of situations.

  2. A character where that isn’t her only purpose in the story.
    I would also prefer if she were to actually try and find a way out instead of just waiting to be saved (kinda like what the other poster said)

    Also, if it MUST be a plot point that happens (like in a romantic story because saving the damsel is an easy way to make the characters meet or care about each other) I always appreciate when *she* has a chance to save the other partner too. Its less fun when danger constantly strikes and it’s always one sided.

  3. The narrator in Angela Carter’s fairytale The Bloody Chamber and really any of Angela Carter’s damsels in distress throughout her fairytale collection The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories.

  4. Not everyone is badass or strong. Not everyone *wants* to be. We have terms like “learned helplessness” for a reason.

    The damsel in distress trope is fine if the character passes the sexy lampshade test. If the role could be easily substituted with a sex lampshade with a “Help me!” sign stapled to it, it’s a pass. If the character is quiet, understated character who needs help, that’s fine. If the character realistically needs help but it averse to it, giving even more depth to the plot and character, fantastic.

    Can’t remember the book, but an example of a side character sticks out to me—a girl the main character knew from childhood is in a cult that he’s investigating, taken advantage of and abused. The main character wants to extract her, he keeps comparing her to the innocent and happy girl he knew, and when he can finally take her out, *she doesn’t want to go*. She *wants* to die for her cult. It’s an eye opening experience for the MC.

  5. I’m usually fine with the trope of the woman isn’t portrayed as completely helpless. Like I think Shrek is a pretty good example. Fiona plays the part of the damsel waiting to be saved but ultimately kicks a ton of ass.

  6. If taken damsel in distress to mean a female character trapped by circumstances in some way that she can’t get herself out of..

    An interesting take would be if she really has no hope of true escape, ie nobody is coming to rescue her and she is unable to free herself. How does she choose to live within these confines that allows her to find meaning?

  7. Mary Stuart Masterson in “Some Kind of Wonderful” or Angelina Jolie in “Gone in 60 seconds”.

    Mary had a broken deep socket wrench and could only get it from Johnny, the snap-on dealer. Turns out she was restoring his late-uncles Camaro the whole time.

    Angelina needed to help save her ex’s kid-brother and was the only one who could work on Ferraris, turns out the ex also needed her saving his heart.

    These are the stories I tell my daughters.

    My apologies for injecting my perspective but my girls are too young to post on Reddit. 🙂

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