During the week my neighbor asked me to check in on her cat once a day or so over the weekend – change water, add food, empty litter box. I did this, as it was truly no problem. I even sat and petted the kitty for a bit each time. Today my neighbor came over with two bottles of wine as a sign of gratitude. I appreciate the gesture … more so because it was dressed up as a nice gift.
It occurred to me later that I don’t really have a standard way of showing appreciation… so I’m asking your opinions. For what things should you definitely’bring home a present’ …. And what’s reasonable…
Wine is nice, but assumes I drink wine (I do, thank you very much!).
Another time I babysat a dog, got paid, but then was presented a nice box of candy.
Maybe I’m a lug, but some other 1, reasons for giving, 2, appropriate presents ideas would be appreciated

  1. As long as you don’t overwhelm or embarrass someone, gifts are always a good idea. I have the love language of an old lady and I’d be Santa Claus if that position hadn’t already been fulfilled, but I digress: gifts are awesome, especially when personalized.

    Throughout the year, be that elf on the shelf and listen carefully. People luuurve talking about whatever on earth they luuurve and dislike as well. Learn how to interrogate them while making them think you’re an excellent listener. Go ham, go psycho, keep secret lists and create mind maps and picture boards!

    Then, when a birthday or a holiday comes around or someone does something kind for you… boom. It hits them like a freight train: you’re kind. You know exactly what they want. You remembered that Suzy is a teetotaler who grows cacti, Eric loves barbecueing and his favorite sports team and Jack from HR is going to adopt a puppy next month. Use this knowledge to your advantage. You’d make a lot of people happy, including yourself. You should master the skill of stealth gifting.

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