My technique: hot soup for breakfast. Does wonders to me.

But what about you guys? What are your hacks to kickstart your morning full of energy?

  1. Quick cold-ish shower.

    I have me real shower at night but on work days I roll out of bed and jump straight into the shower for a few minutes and that’s enough to wake me up. When I get out I’m awake, feel fresh, and ready to face another day lol.

  2. Work out and run as soon as I get up. Then I eat breakfast after my workout and run

  3. Shower and coffee. If I’m extra tired sometimes I’ll wrestle a shark for extra morning boost

  4. Normally its a left paw to the face 3 times then 5 minutes of being licked. My little blind lab makes sure I am fully away and ready to put her outside as soon as my alarm goes off.

  5. I get up at the last possible second and then rush around stressed, trying not to be late for work

  6. Don’t hit snooze, the moment my alarm goes up I get up with a sense of purpose, I then try to keep that mindset throughout my entire day. Sometimes it works, others it doesn’t.

  7. My toddler wakes me up by standing over me like the grim reaper and when I wake up either alive and it’s time to start the day or im dead and I get to sleep in

  8. I have a tea first thing and then get on the treadmill for a bit and walk while watching a show or movie. Getting up and getting active first thing really helps me get motivated for the day.

  9. While awake and with my eyes open my brain is in a constant, mid-level state of fight-or-flight, so…wake up.

  10. *”What do you do to get the blood pumping in the morning?”*


  11. I eat 3 to 4 bananas every morning. I guess it’s my substitution to the coffee. The carbs get me going.

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