Hi, quick introduction, i am a 17m with no sex experience yet. Since i was young i never had a open conversation about sex (my family never talked about it) or privacy, since the begging of my teen years where i was discovering masturbation i usually would masturbate trying to be pretty quickly, i became addicted to porn/hentai and create a pretty unhealthy masturbation habit. Talking to a older online friend when i was about 15 open my mind to realize how fucked up was my time (sometimes I wouldn’t last not even 2 minutes while masturbating) i tried to change it since but never really had success, i feel that in the last year i would just masturbate tying to last long but quickly give up and sped up to force me almost in a involuntary way, i can basically resume those last years on just me waking most of the days without a boner no more, masturbate myself, cum in a minute or less and just feels extremely bad and just keep in this loop again and again.

I thought that a big cause of this could be my masturbation habits but i know that the masturbation for itself its not the case so maybe i could have a genetic condition of premature ejaculation. But at the same time i am a teen that never had sex so im not sure if i am really premature.

Anyway, i want to fix this, i want to become confident, feel like i could have a healthy sex life, and just not feel like shit every time a girl brings a sexual tone to a conversation. I know that being anxiety its a big cause so my fear plus all this is a perfect mix to me have the most catastrophic first time sex experience. Please HELP

  1. Sorry by any typing mistakes, english isnt my native language and i tried to type really fast

  2. You are a minor. You shouldn’t be posting here, nor worry about having ruined anything unless you seriously broke or snapped something (like a snapped pencil, not some fap paranoia).

    You will be fine. You’ll find yourself as you grow up. Your life hasn’t even really started, so don’t stress about that. Stress about the train that is life coming at you, worry about having a nice time w friends, studying/sports, and figuring out what you’ll do after graduation

  3. Sex is way different than masturbation, so don’t think what you experience during masturbation will happen when you have sex. Also girls know if it’s a guy’s first time they may not last as long if it does happen quickly don’t worry about it. You are definitely not fated to a shitty sex life. When the time comes to have sex try and stay out of your own head. Always use a condom because that will also lessen the sensitivity and keep you and her safe.

  4. First stop watching porn entirely.
    To get back your confidence start working out.
    Get a hobby anything that you want to do.
    Start talking to women normally(if you feel anxious about it then just remember that everyone has their own issues, women too you’re not the only one)
    To overcome anxiety focus on positive things about you and your life and keep working to make it better.
    Make good friends be happy, if you can meditate a bit that will help you alot.
    There’s nothing wrong with you at all. It’s just the mindset that limits you
    People turn their lives completely around, it takes some time but they do. Stop worrying start living.
    If you’re happy with your life everything will follow.

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