What is it that men get nervous around pretty women, what could be done about it?

  1. Men don’t. People with less dating experience do.

    Date more women and it eventually goes away.

  2. The only way to get over it is by gaining experience talking to them, which is tough

  3. For me and I’ve dated plenty of women. Gorgeous women! I still get very nervous and it’s because I don’t want my attraction to show, so I’m worried I’ll be seen.

    I immediately get really quiet, try not to look them in the eyes too long and I make shit awkward. I fucking hate that I’m like this but eventually, once the ice is broken, I’m fine.

    One time, she said to me on the first date, do you want to just stick your hand down my pants to get past your nervousness? Threw me off and before she said “I’m kidding” I was like “Right here? We should go outside!?”

  4. Getting more experience being with and around women. It would also help if women as a whole were to stop playing games and be more forward about their intentions and desires.

  5. just accept that you have no chance whatsoever and nothing is going to change that. It worked for me.

  6. Realize that you can’t fuck it up because nothing is going to happen anyway. Relax.

  7. I don’t, but it might be because I am generally socially oblivious. To be honest, in times I have interacted with “good looking” women, they seem (to me) to be just as socially awkward as I am. Possibly because they’re used to people being nervous/awkward/intimidated and I’m not (beyond usual)? I dunno. Just treat people like people, unless they’re an asshole, I guess.

  8. Practice makes perfect! Also, start trying to go into a conversation with zero intentions of anything more than just conversation. If you go in thinking “I have to say everything right and be super cool and keep the conversation going just right if I want to get with her”, that puts so much pressure on and you get nervous. If you go in thinking “Let’s just talk like I would any other person, and see what happens” it’s way less pressure.

  9. Men are afraid of rejection. Failing at breeding drives the species. To be put off by an attractive woman is one of the worst forms of negative emotion a man can experience.

  10. I just learned to treat everyone the same. Like a long lost friend.

    It opens you up in a positive light.

    Don’t treat anyone differently.

    Pick up on body language to identify if there’s more to be had than regular conversation

  11. They mentally put women up on pedestals and think of them as some ideal higher-beings, not regular human beings like them.

    The best thing is to realize that pretty women are just regular human beings, and not that unique or special.

  12. First, treat them like you would any other person you DO NOT want to have sex with. This is a weird tip, but its worked quite a bit in the past, too, picture them taking a dump. Sitting on the toilet, even Margot Robbie loses allure.

  13. It’s our inherent caveman instinct. Humans are social animals so we’re wired to fear social rejection. Getting rejected by a girl triggers these instincts.

    The solution is desensitizing yourself to women until you realize women are just people. Then improve yourself and how you interact with women so you can assure yourself that you know what to do when the woman of your dreams shows up

  14. 1) Self confidence ( through competence ) aka finances, having certain skillsets and being physically fit.

    2) Trial and error through experience around women.

    I wouldn’t even talk to women until I built up a baseline of confidence, financial independence and in shape. No woman wants a broke or out of shape ass bum.

  15. I assume 0 of the women around me are interested in me sexually. I interact with most people as if there’s a camera following me around or HR is omnipotent.

    Also, most women I know are awful at interacting with men in general. Several try to be awkward and cute and instead of cute it’s awkward and uncomfortable. Several overcompensate by being loud, and think it’s the best to have only guy friends including several exes. Others are as interesting as dry cardboard, or are too self-absorbed or status-focused to engage.

  16. You have to learn to stop caring so much about impressing that ONE person. There are plenty of single women out there, you just have to learn how to spot the ones interested in YOU. The nervous part occurs when you wait to long too approach her, and have too much emotions invested on whether she likes you or not.

  17. Rejection, is basically a statement.

    We are not worth procreation, we are at best barely worthy of being alive.

  18. *”What is it that men get nervous around pretty women”*

    Guess OP.

    No seriously guess.

    *”what could be done about it?”*

    Be around more women and interact with them in platonic, casual (not sex) and everyday situations, conversations, etc.

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