I don’t know if this is something German because I always set a timer to the exact time mentioned on the packaging like for pizza, microwave food etc. Do you also do this in the US?

  1. I mean I set a cook time when I microwave things. I don’t just turn it on and pull it out when it feels right.

  2. That’s how microwaves work, at least here in the states. You cannot make the thing work unless you input a cook time and power setting. Some have a number pad and some have a dial (although dials are very rare and more common in older appliances).

    All TV dinners (AKA frozen food) have instructions with cook times and power level requirements.

  3. This is what I do, as well. I would imagine most Americans do. The stove and microwave both have timer functions to make it easier!

  4. I mean, you have to set the cook time on every microwave I’ve ever used. But also yes for the oven. Otherwise, it would be too easy to get distracted and let the food burn.

  5. For frozen stuff I buy, yes. I have no innate knowledge of how long it takes to heat up a Hot Pocket. 😭

    For heating up random food I find in the refrigerator, I pretty much guess. That guess is almost always 45 seconds.

  6. yeah if the packaging says to microwave it for two minutes or bake it for 20, I will do that.

  7. Yes. But also some microwaves have a button for a specific food so that it cooks for a specific time. For example, a button for popcorn is popular, or a button for reheating pizza. In Germany do they have a button on their microwave for a bratwurst or something?

  8. Always do or I wind up with burnt food. If the directions say cook for 4 1/2 -5 1/2 minutes I’ll go in the middle and then gauge from there how much longer I need. I’ll also adjust in the oven based on how hot my oven gets. Sometimes the oven runs hot so I go a few minutes less.

  9. Setting a timer on a microwave is required as far as I’m aware.

    For an oven, stove top meal, etc… Alexa manages my timers.

  10. You have microwaves that don’t work based on time?

    Where you can just turn it on and let it run forever?

  11. For frozen potato products no. It’s 425 for 25. For everything else in the oven or microwave, 100% yes I set a timer. I’m not even sure how you could do microwave food without a timer? Do people just put 20 minutes on the microwave and take it out every 2 minutes to check on how it’s doing?

  12. Yes, and it always seems as if I need to adjust the recommended time one way or another. Microwave popcorn says 3 minutes? Nope! 2 minutes and 20 seconds. Frozen pizza says 25 minutes? Nope! more like 32.

  13. Yes, we do set a time. There are very impatient people who take their food out of the microwave mere seconds before the time is up. I’ve had two roommates and a husband like that.

  14. I mean you have to set a timer on the microwave, it only turns on if you set a time. I guess you could go over or under the time it needs, but idk why you would. The oven and stovetop yes I set timers. I am not good at keeping track of time so I def need it. My bf makes fun of me for always setting the timer, but like I have no clue if it’s been ten or 20 minutes so I have to.

  15. >I always set a timer to the exact time mentioned on the packaging

    For oven? No. I am a decentish baker and can eyeball stuff and I have a temperature measure that I use. Most baking recipes will vary WILDLY based on how hot your oven is, what brand it is etc.

    For microwave from frozen? Yeah. Reheat? Nah, 30s increments until it’s hot.

  16. I just spam the “add 30 seconds” button a bunch until it feels right, then start checking when it gets down to about a minute to go or something. I literally never look at the packaging to see how long it recommends. The directions are for a specific wattage so unless you have the same one it may not be right anyhow. I think after having the same microwave for several years I just kind of know what it will take.

  17. Depends on the wattage of the microwave I am using. In most cases I tend to set things bit lower as I have higher wattage microwave. Popcorn I just listen to it.

  18. You literally cannot turn on a microwave without specifying the time. At least, not in my experience, and I’m 49. I have never owned a microwave with just an “on” setting.

  19. yes, most of the time. Unless I’ve cooked that same thing a bunch of times and I know what the proper amount of time is.

  20. Frozen dinners often have a two part cook time.

    For instance, you peel back the plastic just a bit as a vent and then you microwave for three minutes. Then you stir the food and microwave for another one and a half minutes. It would be kind of foolish to ignore that.

  21. I use a timer when I cook things in the oven but sometimes I disagree with the suggested cook times on packaged foods. Sometimes they need to be cooked longer. I still use a timer.

  22. Yeah pretty much everyone in the US.

    Except popcorn, sometimes ya just gotta play that one by ear. Old microwave 2:45 was perfect. New one is under 2 minutes.

  23. How else would you do it?

    If I’m cooking on the stove I can set what’s cooking and might not set timers. But in the oven? Yeah

    Microwaves don’t have a way to turn them on without a timer either

  24. Microwave cooks for whatever time I set it to.

    I do set my oven timer, though. I get distracted and come back to burning food if I don’t.

  25. I like to use the timer on the microwave when I need to set a timer for any food stuff, usually pasta that I’m making on the stove, because the stove timer is loud and and for reason it makes me absurdly angry when I hear it and it keeps going off until you shut it off while the microwave makes a much softer sound once.

  26. My oven tends to run a little hot, so I set a timer for a few minutes short of the range given, and then go from there. No microwave.

  27. Yep. Well, the microwave I either set with a cook time or a preset like “reheat” or “popcorn.” I always set a timer for things in the oven. Exact times if I am using a precise recipe, or an estimate to check on the food, if I’m not.

  28. I set a timer but the actual time I choose is not always whats on the package, sometimes its more of a guesstimate like if the amount im microwaving is far from whats on the package

  29. Microwaves can’t run if you don’t the timer for it. The oven can but it has an timer built in too.

  30. Microwaves have the timer built in. It dings when the cook time is done. They do not have an “on” button without a timer.

    As for cooking in the oven, I typically set a timer on my phone.

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