I’ve been dating my boyfriend since we were both 15 and since we have been sexually active I have been talking about wanting head and he always kind of laughs and pushes it off. I have given him head on multiple occasions and explained to him that is something that I want. He says he has bo problem with it but whenever it comes that time I either just need up giving him a BJ or we have sex. I don’t really know what to do. It’s not something I’m willing to break up over but I just don’t understand why he wont do it. Also I just wanna say that if he told me that he doesn’t want to then I would never ask him again but it’s the fact that he says he doesn’t mind but still wont do anything. Any advice on what I should do?

Edit: I also want to say that a lot of times he also responds with saying that he isn’t very educated on giving head and doesn’t know how. I had never given head before him tho so I still can understand that very well.

  1. Its probably he is scared to just up and do it. When you are intimate ask him then.

  2. I never understood this. I always wanted to give women head when I was dating! I love it! Its one of the hottest things! It turns me on majorly!

  3. Some guys with little to no experience make excuses to not do it, that or he just doesn’t like it. But if you’ve been together since you were 15 it might be an experience thing. You need to have a serious conversation and not just bring it up in passing. Tell him you’d like a valid reason. I know right now it doesn’t seem like a deal breaker but sooooo many ppl post on here years down the road still clinging onto hope that one day their spouse will try it while others simply get fed up with the double standard with head and ultimately break up. U just have to ask yourself how important it is to, if it’s something you could potentially go without for the duration of your relation, if you can overlook doing it to him and him not doing it to you. I know I personally would want a better understanding than just a chuckle and being brushed off. oral is a huge part of my sexuality personally, I don’t think i could go without…

    To add: when asking for a serious conversation prepare yourself for a serious response. Try to listen to his view point and ultimately if he chooses to say no you have to accept his boundaries and move on if that’s something you can live without.

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