The people I know closely aren’t really “party goers”. But there are some events that I would like to go to. How do I go there alone and somehow “make friends” with randos? Cause people usually go to parties in groups so they don’t engage much with random strangers, they tend to stay within the group.

  1. Parties may not be the right environment to build the foundation for sustainable relationships. People may have ulterior motives regarding sex, they could be intoxicated or they just want to hang out with the friends they already know. Try joining a long-term activity that allows you to more frequently meet the same people in a sober setting. If you’re going to events alone, be prepared to enjoy them independently.

  2. Alright so I think I can be of help here since I find myself in this situation A LOT.

    So from start the first thing I do is look around to see if there’s anyone I know. Like not super close or even close at all, but still know to an extent that I could at least recognize them and hopefully they could recognize me.
    -> If there’s someone like that then great go up to them and be quite casual like- hey how’s it going haven’t seen you in a while (works even when you haven’t seen them ever prior to this in a friendly setting) and expect them to introduce you to their mates.
    -> Else I look for someone who’s by themself as well. If you see someone else by themselves then go to them n just start talking about the party (or party occasion), rather than introducing yourself. Just build up the convo first before being like- oh im xyz by the way nice to meet ya.
    -> AND when you dont recognize anyone and no one you could see is by themself, then maybe just look for a group that’s either talking about something you’re interested in and jump in like- “oh are you guys talking about….. i personally think…..”, or just look for a group that seems to be the loudest and be like yo mind if i join you lads (these people are usually pretty easy going)

    hope this helps.

  3. For cocktail parties, dinner parties, those sorts of events, play the politician. Walk around and make a point to have at least a 3 minute conversation with everyone there. Eventually, you’ll find a conversation that matches your vibe and you can take it from there.

    With ‘groups’ that form at parties, interruptions are an expectation. Politely entering the group, even as a stranger, isn’t rude or weird, its expected.

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