I’m a 35 f married for 12 years. Hubby and I are still ver much attracted to each other and have a great relationship. He’s always in the mood to have sex or some form of it, bj, hand job.
I like to please him but curious how often others engage in sexual activity.

  1. Once a week at most, sometimes once a month. I’m M48, she’s 49. Not nearly enough from my perspective, not even close. Menopause 🤬

  2. As often or as infrequently as they want. Or not as they want. The perennial conundrum.


  3. Every day or every other day, sometimes even 2 times per day 😊 I’m F35 and he is 38, been together for 16 years

  4. Almost daily we do something from one of the categories mentioned. 53m/62f. Actual piv. 5 times a week most weeks maybe more maybe less depending on life. Weekends. Usually twice.

  5. Sometimes once a week , sometimes every day for a werk or two, sometimes no sex for a month, i dont really count….. 🤷Its enough for me, looks like its enough for him as well. Sometimes he initiates, sometimes i….. I think we are very compatible, sex is allways nice and sometimes extraordinary nice. 😂

  6. We’re every day ppl. I’m in my 40’s, we have 2 kids (12&2), and we haven’t missed a day since Nov 2021. Usually it’s more than once (we average 14 times a week, but sometimes it’ll be a few days with once and a few with 3).

  7. What does it matter? Are you in thrall to some standard that you have to achieve? There is only one single standard and that is whatever you and your husband feel like. Enjoy yourselves! You mention BJs and HJs. Does he look after you and pleasure you? Don’t answer that, but think about it. If you’re satisfied, all is good.

  8. I’m 38F and my spouse 41M. We have 3 young kids.

    It varies through the seasons of life. During toddler and baby time it was more like 1x a week.

    Now that they are getting a bit older and some dynamics have changed in our work and relationship lives, it’s more like 3-5x a week. I could go daily but spouse’s work is over 60 hours and physically demanding, so sometimes he’s just exhausted and needs sleep.

  9. Depends with what’s going on in our lives and what the days like… usually a few times a week, but there are also times when we have sex every day, multiple times a day.

  10. Depends on the couple. I have a married friends (in their 50s) that are good at once or twice a week and another that just had a baby so its been once in the last 6 months. I even have a friend who’s been married for 5 years and has done maybe once in the last 3 (he loves his wife but he’s not happy about it and trying to fix that part of their marriage)

    It really depends. Personally I prefer more the merrier. Its the a great way to keep the bond strong

  11. Between about once a week minimum and occasionally as often as twice a day for my wife and I, both early 30s with a toddler at home. It ebbs and flows.

  12. Mid 50’s, I’m the H in a HL.

    Once a week, but everyday would be my preference. I realize that once a week is probably not too bad, for a HL relationship, but it’s really been difficult.

  13. Wifey and I hump twice a week on average. Going on 27 years of marriage.

    Sex 10 times a year or less, is considered a sexless marriage. Hopefully, yours isn’t.

  14. Once a week. It’s almost always really good. And it’s frequent enough for both of us. We both have very full, tiring lives. No lack of touching, hugging, kissing. A few nights a week we fall asleep intertwined in front of the screen. Together 30+ years.

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