EDIT: The reason why I asked this is in the comments

  1. Do I even remember my first love? Hmm… I think so… sorta hazy (for context, I am 45).

  2. Not really true. What is sort of true is they leave an impression on you for the rest of your days (even if miniscule). But you can say that about any relationship.

  3. It’s not meaning that your *love* for your first never dies, just that your memory of them never does. As well as the impact that your first has on your life.

    I still remember alot of things about my first gf. Not only the physical experiences that were my firsts, but the lessons that relationship taught me as well as so much about her.

    While there are some I really can’t remember at all and I only know they existed because of pictures and memories that my friends have of them. For instance, on my own I absolutely can not recall any of them from 1991 through the summer of 1996. I can’t recall a single name, face, feature or experience with anyone during that time.

    But I know I wasn’t single for 5 consecutive years in my twenties because *that* seems like something i *would* remember, thats a hell of a dry spell. Besides, my friends all remember that I had at least “a few” girlfriends in that time. And I’ve even seen pictures that some of them have of me with a couple of these women. But for the life of me, I can’t recall them.

  4. For context on why I asked this:

    Is it true that first love never dies? Especially if it’s a person your partner highly regarded for years before you met even to the point even after he had relationships that person is still the point of comparison for all his succeeding relationships?

    My boyfriend even called this person his twin because they mirror each other and he even told her that she’s the only person he can see himself having kids with.

    Meanwhile, we’re the opposites and that’s why he likes me.

    He said after he met me he realized that he was just in love with the idea of the person and not the person itself and what we have is completely different and he wants to marry me and build a family with me, but I can’t help but think that sometimes he’s still probably thinking of what could have been.

    During our talking stage, whenever I bring up something he would then mention that I remind him of something/someone which pertains to that girl.

    I brought it up to him the other day and he said that’s not what he meant he’s just happy to reminisce things but I’m more than just a reminder.

    Men of reddit, should I be worried?

  5. it’s very easy to confuse the loss of first love with the loss of innocence from being young and optimistic

    It’s easy to yearn for simpler days and time does play with our memories

  6. Of course it does. You just remember it, maybe even romanticize it a bit (regardless of whether or not it deserves it) because it was your first. I would never let her back into my life, for multiple reasons. Not least of which my girlfriend would be angry with me.

  7. HA not true. Was a silly high school relationship. We didn’t even make sense as friends, but hormones are a hell of a drug. Wish her well, whatever she’s doing.

  8. He’ll always have a place in my heart, but that’s not the same as having regrets or wanting to go back to the past.

  9. I mean i am grateful for what we had and what she and her mom in particular did for me during a hard time in my life but no i am in no way shape or form still in love with her.

  10. I’ll never forget, and I’ll always remember her fondly, but would I get back with her if I had the chance? Nope.

  11. I don’t think it’s really true for me. I look back on it fondly and have mostly positive memories associated with that person, but I almost never think about it or her.

  12. Definitely dies. I don’t think about my first love often. It was good, sex was great but my relationship with my wife is first rate and I don’t really think about my “first” relationship.

  13. I thought I was in love with my first GF but I was just in lust. She was cute and put out lol

  14. Not true at all. I was with her long enough to know we weren’t compatible long term. Still love her but not romantically. Maybe for someone who didn’t get that closure they might wonder though.

  15. Not at all. It was a brutal hit to the guts as it got me by surprise and it took me quite some time to understand what happend and get over it, but now memories of her rarely cross my mind only occasions like this make me go “oh yeah I was together with this girl once. Good times.”

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