So,I had singed up to this dating site,And almost any girl my age (mid 20’s) putting out a photo in her underware (A thong?Like really?),Or Something that you can maybe call a “leftover from a bra” publicly.

Now I am not saying that all girl’s like this,There are normal woman’s left in this world,And not even all dating sites like this.

But this is just pathetic,How you can put a picture there a piece of literally “dental size cloth” that’s will barely cover the space between one’s teeth,Not to mention covering something from your ass,As your front page picture.And then write “If you done playing game’s,And want something serious,text me”.

It just doesnt work like that.It’s so pathethic.

I already know what to expect from it.

Can girl’s like this be serious or Im exaggerating?

Leave this site?


ADD:Someone claimed that “what’s the problem you see girl’s at the beach”,My reply:

“”when a woman trying to be “hot” on the beach,it’s like her “Catwalk”,She’s getting ton’s of attention and all that (I will give an attention only if I know that she is single).The thing about the beach,That a woman doesnt like intentionally wear all this stuff (I actually didnt saw a lot of girl’s that wear thong,”leftover from a bra”,or some other ridiculous outfit)

She’s wearing it as a swimming outfit.And again even at the beach most of the girl’s wearing something more respectful from what I have noticed/

But then a girl goes to a dating site/social media,And INTENTIONALLY put photo’s like this?Trying to attract man?That’s a diffrent story,I think it’s pathetic, the post was about if such girl’s can be even normal/not hooker’s.”



  1. if that isn’t your type of woman, just find one that meets your expectation. No need to be the moral police on what women need to put up online

  2. You got demographically screwed. If we had an expanding population you probably would have found someone by now.

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