How do you deal with overthinking, insecurities, anxieties of having a partner etc. how do you stick through muddy times when things look bleak or how do you deal with arguments and misunderstandings?

  1. Epictetus gave me the best relationship (as well as general life) advice I’ve ever gotten.

    “Two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”

    It’s only slightly poetic, but the message is full of importance. I still fail from time to time, but it’s important to remember to listen. Truly listen and hear what your partner is saying. Whether it’s a fight or just your partner needing to let off some steam after a trivial day. Listen to what they say and you’ll learn so much about them.

  2. Its such a cliche but communication is king. Arguments happen. Emotions flair. People fight. Understand why your partner feels a certain way is everything in those moments.

    Trust is probably the other thing imo. In my experience feeling safe with someone and being able to open up is the glue that makes relationships work.

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