I’m talking about breakups, deaths, etc. I(a woman) personally would prefer to be given bad news on a Sunday evening.

  1. Sunday night would fuck my sleep up for work the next day. I’d try on Friday night so I have the weekend to digest the news.

  2. Maybe it’s just me, but I just want to know.

    My #1 thing in relationships is I don’t want to guess what’s going on with you. Be straightforward and be honest. I can handle the rest, especially as an older dude. I’ve been through this all before. You don’t need to spare my feelings.

  3. I think ASAP is the right answer. If I find out you’ve known about Paul Reuben’s death six hours before I read it on Reddit I’m gonna mourn six hours of PeeWee’s Big Adventure marathon and resent you for each wasted hour of it

  4. Yeah when my mom died I didn’t really think I had a preference on what day it happened, so my answer would be as soon as it happens

    That being said, I understand where you’re coming from a bit. For those who usually don’t have as much experience with the really heavy stuff, there’s a worry about breaking the news which causes hesitation with saying it. Or having an expectation that maybe they should be in a good mood, before telling them these things

    Pro-tip: there’s never a “good” time either for giving someone bad news; you kind of just need to hear it and react accordingly

  5. *”When do you think is the best time to give bad news to men?”*

    1. Men aren’t a hive mind or different species.

    2. The same as anyone OP. Right away. No dilly dallying.

  6. As many others have said, immediately please. Then I can start processing it and planning for the fallout. For ideal day? Probably Friday so I have a couple of days to think (assuming I’m not working OT).

  7. I don’t think there’s ever a good time, but the least bad way to do it is to just get it over with as fast as possible.

    I don’t want a life story. Give me a 5 word sentence and that’s plenty.

  8. As soon as you are within audible range. I hate being given bad news that the other person knew about and chose not to tell me after we have interacted multiple times.

  9. as soon as possible. There’s never a “good time” to receive bad news, so it’s best not to drag it out. Especially if carrying on that all is normal is the exact opposite of what’s about to change. That just makes you look like an emotionally detached nutjob as well.

  10. If I had to pick a time for bad news Wednesday evening. I’m usually over the worst my week but still have enough work to keep me busy.

    I don’t do well when I have time to worry about stuff. I’d rather grind it out and let it pass then be ready for the weekend to ponder the feelings more rationally

  11. Immediately.

    Dragging it out or keeping it hidden until some magic moment will only make it worse.

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