How do you deal with discharge when you go swimming?

  1. I feel a bit confused about this question. Do you have so much discharge you feel something needs to be done about it? I do not, but I suppose you could wear a tampon?

  2. I… don’t? Same way I deal with sweat.

    It’s a very insignificant amount, I never considered anything needed to be done about it.

  3. I’ve never had enough discharge for me to think or worry about it. I assume it just goes onto the gusset of my swimming costume and either starts there or slowly gets washed into the pool. I mean there’s far worse things in the pool…

  4. It never occurred to me that I needed to do anything about it. If it was so profuse that I worried about it while swimming I’d get it checked out regardless.

  5. Menstrual cups work fine for me. It doesn’t stop everything but it’s better than nothing.

  6. I’ve never really had to deal with that, I don’t think.

    Someone chime in if they have a similar experience, but when Im like IN water, I usually feel little to nothing leaving me, even during a period.

    I can’t think of a logical reason for it, but that is my experience.

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