About a month ago I met this man at a bar in the city. We ended up talking the entire night and genuinely had such a good time I sort of forgot where my friends went.
Once I let him know I was leaving he asked for my number and I told him to meet me at the second bar which he did. We both ended up parting ways, with me never expecting to see or hear from him again because he was one of the many random side characters of a drunken night out. Lo and behold he texts me the next day asking to hangout, which I politely declined bc I was leaving for a trip the following day and needed to pack. I told him once I’m back we’d plan something, saying that as a throw away not really expecting him to ever reach out again.
Well the day after I got home he messaged me asking how my trip was, and letting me know he’d love to “hangout and catch up” before he leaves. (I just remembered he works in a diff state and was leaving in a few weeks to go back) So I’m like plagued that this random man from a dingy bar is still wanting to see me, especially since he’s leaving. So I shot him a day to meet the following week and he said he would have to let me know but it should good.
He never let me know which I was so confused about given the fact that he was the one pursuing me consistently, and I told my friends about it.
My friends were encouraging me to send a follow up text because they said that night he was like a puppy dog, following me around and super engaged with me. They said he seemed very into me. So I swallowed my pride and shot him a text letting him know I’d be at this bar tonight if he’d like to meet me. He responded relatively quick and sincerely apologized for not getting back to me and asked when I was around the following week. I told him it depends on the day and to lmk his schedule and I never heard back. We follow eachother on Instagram and he likes my posts and whatnot so Ik it wasn’t anything intentional, I’m assuming the timing was just pretty bad and he feels it’s not worth it since he’s leaving. My thing is, I really liked him the night we met and he seemed to really like me. He was also just so genuine and kind.
I was and still am drawn to him I’m not sure why, especially bc I really don’t go on dates as I’m sort of picky when it comes to men. Not in a vain way I just know how toxic the dating scene can be and I’d rather just have my peace. I just wished I had more clarity on the situation and why he was so pursuant just to not answer.
I truly in my gut don’t think it was anything genuinely bad, given how truly nice he was and how we laughed like the entire night. I’m just really bummed because I was very interested in him and I felt he was too. My friends are confused by it as well!

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