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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. I have something that I have been putting off, but really need to get done today. Any motivating music recommendations?

  2. Today I visited a place called Visavuori, which I visit at least once every summer. A Finnish national romantic era sculptor Emil Wikström built it to be his residence and atelier as the 19th century was turning for the 20th, and it started a trend of other national romantic era artists building their own “wilderness ateliers”. Pretty much all of them had ones, away from cities where they could do their shit in peace. But Visavuori is to me the coolest one.

    [The atelier building](https://imgur.com/a/Pe0mkFc) is just weird. Finnish national romantic style is an offshoot of art nouveau, or jugend, so there is a lot of that asymmetry. The local twist was to incorporate elements from Finnish nature in the materials. For example very often, as is the case with Visavuori too, the foot of the building would be made of natural rocks. [Here is a photo of some detail](https://imgur.com/a/hFInRNm) when it comes to those rocks. Inside it’s pretty cool too, [huge windows in the roof](https://imgur.com/a/rZGqBVR) that let in a lot of light. [Here is the other large room](https://imgur.com/a/a5HIuJB). I could imagine myself there sculpting like a motherfucker all day every day.

    I was the only visitor inside as I was strolling through it, and I gotta say, sculptures and statues can be super spooky when there are a lot of them. I always feel like they could move at any moment. I guess that’s what makes a sculpture good to be fair, the presence of movement. Or at least the possibility of it.

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