if you ended on good terms that is

  1. Hmmm 🤔 nope 👎🏽!! Nada 👎🏽nada fucking reason !!

  2. None? We are exes. Even if it ended in good terms the only reason you’d do that is because you still feel something for them. And if I did feel something, it would still be 0. We broke up for a reason

  3. 0.0%

    I do wish them well, don’t get me wrong but there’s no way that won’t be perceived as some kind of bootycall.

  4. Zero unless there’s been a death or if she had cancer or something. Once you break up you move on. Dredging up the past only dredges up past feelings, either good or bad. Either way it’s not worth it.

  5. My ex does every year or two, but I have no reason why. We have nothing in common, and as far as I know he’s happily remarried.

  6. Not likely at all, unless it was something like their birthday and we’re still friends as we ended on good terms.

  7. No. They’re in my past for a reason and I’m not concerned with my past.

  8. I talk to my ex about every other week. We talk shit about the kids and life. We’re good friends, we can’t live together without trying to kill each other.

  9. Well all my ex’s except 1 and I ended very nicely and I think they are very nice people and we were good friends before and after so for me it wouldn’t be that weird to me. However I don’t just randomly message people to see what’s up so still pretty low chance but higher than most.

  10. All the people saying that you shouldnt do it xd. Ive done it on her birthday a few times, she was a great friend, wish her the best.

  11. I message the ex on her birthday and wish her well..didn’t end on great terms but try to still be amicable. She messages me on mine just being civil humans.

  12. Her birthday is in February and I actually called her to wish her a happy birthday.
    (And she calls/texts me on my birthday and for Christmas too).

  13. I never like to end something with a fight. I like to talk things out whether it’s friends, family or ex girlfriends. Give it a happy ending and make closure easier

  14. Never, I have this creed to never go backwards , it’s served me well so far

  15. Very likely. Done it twice in the last month, I’m bettering myself and apologizing and smoothing over is part of it.

  16. Even though it could never work between us, she was genuinely one of the best people I’ve ever met. So kind, genuine, and respectful. I’m not trying to sound like I’m still head over heels here because I have seen other women since, but the type of person she was was very rare and very refreshing for me. I didn’t want someone like that to slip out of my life even if we’ll never work as a couple. That’s why I still wish her well and keep in touch.

  17. Not a snowballs chance in hell.

    If I run into her out in public, I might say hi, assuming we parted of somewhat friendly terms.

    They are an ex for a reason. Even if we’re on friendly terms, I’m still not looking to have contact with them. I’m certainly not going to contact them “just because”.

  18. Ending on good terms with modern women? It’s kinda a women culture to act all Heard after a breakup, kinda hard to stay in touch then lol

  19. No reason at all, had one who tried to get in touch with me again, I blocked her.

  20. 0% chance. I do not wish them well, and frankly I relish the fact that they are not doing well at all. Karma kicked her ass down the stairs and she completely deserves it.

  21. Not likely at all. They are an “ex,” they have moved on with their life as have I.

    OP if you are having thoughts about reaching out to an ex to “wish them well,” just know that you are not fooling anyone. If you want to explore getting back together with someone then be up-front about it. If that is not feasible, then you need to get busy moving forward with your life.

  22. An ex reached out to me after 20+ years and really just wished well and caught up. It was good to see she had found happiness and built a stable married family life. We would have a brief exchange of updating messages about once or twice a year. Never got inappropriate. After about six years she died.

  23. About as likely as I am to try the new flavour of urinal cake at my local truck stop bathroom

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