I’ll be the first to admit that some food safety rules in the US are more appropriately applied to restaurants and food services rather than the home. You will not catch me washing my fruits and vegetables with soap. Where food safety stands out to me is specifically around time outside of the refrigerator and mixing raw food prep surface and cooked food surfaces.

I am not a chef, but spent time in kitchens which makes me more sensitive to these things. But that is aside from the point.My boyfriend just doesn’t care about these things and says he grew up making food and preparing food like this. “Good for immunity” is how he describes his lax procedures.

I hate that I don’t entirely disagree. That being said, we are also contemplating starting a family and I know children’s immune systems are not as good as ours, we need to be more careful. I don’t want to play the “think of the children” card with my bf, but I am unsure how to express that this should be more important to him and not just a thing he should do because I say so.

How can I help my boyfriend improve and understand food safety for himself and me?

TLDR: My boyfriend has very lax food safety practices and I’m running out of ideas on how to improve

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