You know the one that reminds you how much you’re fucking up but you’re just human…?

  1. In psychology that little voice is called the SuperEgo. There’s methods to help with that, therapy and retraining how to think to prevent or at least cut those voices short.

    …but I just take meds.

  2. Therapy. Rationalising your thoughts (this is what I feel, but what are the facts?)

  3. You can’t control the thoughts that come into your head but you have full control over how you handle them once they do. So for example you are trying something new or entering into a new situation and you get that feeling of self-doubt. All that is is a thought. It doesn’t make it real. Come up with a mantra or strategy for dealing with it and use it every time the thought comes in. Over time it literally retrains your brain. You can learn these techniques through therapy.

  4. I fucking hate that guy.

    I often remind myself that I’m in a great place, that I’ve come a long way and I’m already a good person living a good life.

    Essentially, I go into “grateful thoughts”.
    After that, I review why that guy is calling me out, and usually it’s because I got shit that needs to be done or needs improving on, so I begin to plan and solution for those.

  5. I can’t get over it (and maybe I shouldn’t), but I developed a few workarounds to deal with it.

  6. I lean into it and trust it wholeheartedly. That dudes been loyal af from day one

  7. Idk if I’ve never had that or if I just look at it differently. I’ve had insecurities before, but never thought outright lies about myself.

  8. I never had the voice that ” lied ” to me. It’s my lack of discipline or the temptations that took control of me in my younger teenaged years, be it pornography, drinking, not working out.

    Almost all the good decisions came from my voice telling me ” if you keep going down this path, you will wake up one day as a 35 year old loser, nothing to show for yourself, ending up alone. “. That hit me really hard when I got rejected by a number of girls and failed 2 classes in uni. That sparked a fire under my ass and ever since I’ve been trying to listen to me inner voice that most people probably don’t even have.

    It’s easy to take the easy way out and be a leaf in the wind but it takes real discipline and work to get up everyday and doing what you’re supposed to do, regardless of how you feel.

  9. I hated that dude at first, but now I think we get along just fine. He sometimes even cracks actually funny jokes lol, idk maybe it gets better with time or maybe we just became more alike that’s why we get along.

  10. when I tried therapy, she told me to catch the negative self talk and “use a best friend voice” to tell myself I’m not any of those things.

    But I’m gonna be real with you, that shit did not work at all for me.

    I was an abusive asshole in my last relationship and there’s nothing I can do about the voice in my head that tells me that I’m a piece of shit and deserve to die for how I was.

    There isn’t ranything I can tell myself to convince me that isn’t the truth, especially when I see people on social media sharing “I hope your abuser dies” posts.

  11. I don’t “get over” it. It just comes and goes. Some days are good, some days are bad.

    The trouble is I don’t think that’s the voice that’s lying. The voice that says I’m a worthless fuckup is the real one. The voice telling me I’m a good man doing his best is the one that’s lying to make me feel better about being a fuckup.

  12. Am I the only person here who doesn’t hear voices? Kinda surprised by how many people seem to hear them.

  13. Check what time of day it is when it starts talking. If it’s between 9pm and 6am, I interrupt it and say, No, we thought about this during the day and decided we’re not actually worried about it. If it’s daylight I’ll hear it out, but it needs to be a valid argument and then we can get to problem solving.

    No lies, remembering that my brain likes to start shit after sundown has been the single biggest mental health improvement I’ve ever made.

  14. I give that little voice a fake mustache and pretend it’s a mischievous neighbor. Always keeps me on my toes!

  15. I dont have that bro… unless its true. Just do what needs to be done. If you aren’t figure out why/how. Get help if needed. its always best to be honest with yourself.

    Ok so after reading other comments i will add a bit. Its never a good idea to bully yourself cause you will end up like these i cant wank or watch porn wannabe… Emotional intelligence is key to being able to understand when we are being overly critical without selves and when we are letting ourselves be lazy. You are going to fail and be shitty at things just got to be able to give it your best (cliché i know). Its also important to be able to know what you want to achieve so that you know how much to invest in any one thing and how concerned you should be with it. That way you can set priorities.

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