So, I’ve been dating this girl for about a month (technically made it official july 23rd, been talking romantically ~4wks). We are over the moon with each other — not like “oh my god you’re so perfect Ill never meet someone like you again, i love you please don’t leave” but just always having so much fun, cackling at each others jokes, roasting each other, watching our favorite movies and reality tv (ultimatum is so good) yadda yadda. We’re also really attracted to one another, and we do feel very safe with each other. It’s a very gentle, patient, caring relationship. I’m just really happy.

But then we saw this tiktok… it was this girl saying “why doesn’t anyone talk about how different dating someone who’s not love bombing you is? Not texting 24/7, getting your favorite coffee order, having 4hr calls every day, joking about your future kids, or taking you to meet your family after the 2nd date?”

And like. We do that shit. Not as bad, like we barely text when at work but I do make it a point to reply when I can, we make light jokes about how if we had kids they’d be super pale (she’s red head, im pale), and I met her parents after about a month of talking. BUT we talk on the phone for a couple hours like every day and sometimes we talk about how excited we are for the future, how we are really into each other, how we plan to be together for at least a few years if everything goes to plan, etc etc.

Now we are both afraid that we’re love bombing each other. we’re both completely aware that everything could end and we split up, we both know that you can’t love someone until you know someone usually more than a year and obv we don’t act like anything is permanent, and I’m being optimistic and hoping that we’re both just hopeless romantics that get along like best friends?? Maybe our idea of a relationship is just like this? Blahhhh I’m stressed about it


  1. I feel like the whole “love-bombing” term is probably one of the stupidest things to ever exist. Like y’all love each other. It should be okay to want to show someone how much you love them. There isn’t certain timeframe in which it isn’t okay and then it is okay, but you can’t do it too much because somehow it’s toxic. Just fucking love each other bro.

  2. don’t believe everything you see on the internet 🛜 if it feels good and you both feel the same continue bombing each other your still in the honeymoon stage. bombs away!

  3. Don’t let the internet stop your happiness.

    If you’re happy, chase that feeling. Don’t chase tiktok advice.

    Keep communicating just in case something is off with your partner, and also to let them know your intentions.

    If you’re both open and honest.

    Then you should be good 👍

  4. Love bombing is only a thing if it’s fake or someone is using the other person for some end goal. If both of you really feel great with each other I wouldn’t call that love bombing.

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