
I 29F and my F28 colleague X started to work in this company exactly 10 month ago.We are going to go through the process of our appraisal in two month time where we will be evaluated and confirmed officially for the job .

Since the beginning X had a difficult time adapting to the work since she came from a different industry however everyone was quite supportive but after 6 month everyone was started to get annoyed as she lacked the confidence if someone don’t vet the work she is doing even the simplest thing e.g most of the time she need to send an email she will ask someone to check this out for her and if the person do not come right away she get iffy.The sector we are in require a lot of mail follow up which even she does not do consistently.So everyone is quite fed up with the constant need to shadow her.

I have a good relationship with one of her direct supervisor, he let out not explicitly that they are considering to terminate her since she is not performing as expectation,most of the time someone need to cover for her from behind and people have also complain she is not a pleasant person to be around.

Now,since we started together we have been good friend and support each other.While i’m really extrovert and she is an introvert,she find it difficult to connect to many people so people tend to avoid her.I know she really need this Job and she always say that it is the best paying job she ever had and now she will be able to get up on her feet and leave her toxic family behind.

The way I see it,she got many chance to do better and i even went around to see how serious management is about this and it seem 90% they are against her.

She is a very sensitive and quite a negative person everytime someone try to give some feedback or constructive criticism she always take it to heart and become depressive

Can someone please help me out on how to break this news to her so that she can catch up and work better in the next 2 month so that maybe they will reconsider in firing her.

Tldr: Need advise on how to inform my colleague F28 management is considering not to renew her contract and fire her due to her sloppy way of doing her work and being inflexible

  1. Has she been managed properly? We’re there meeting with her direct superior to discuss performance, set expectations etc?

    How is the training/on-boarding in your company?

  2. Well, the absolute last thing you should do is tell her this, it’s a terrible idea because if it comes out you were the one that told her.. that could hurt you and your career. The superior felt comfortable enough to share this with you.. how would it look if you went back and told your friend?

    Honestly, it just sounds like she isn’t cut out for the job. If multiple people think she isn’t a good worker or unpleasant to be around.. maybe they might be right? And if after 6 months she still needs people to hold her hand for her to do her job then that’s on her.

    Don’t set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm. I’d mind my business if I were you.

  3. I wouldn’t do anything more than ask her if she’s sure she wants to continue. Remind her that it works both ways, and that if she isn’t feeling secure and supported, she shouldn’t be planning to stay, but use this experience to leverage something else.

    If she responds poorly, drop it like it’s hot.

    If she says absolutely, she wants to stay, tell her you’d hope she’ll get more confident working solo then. ‘Cause obviously, that’d be better for her long-term.

    Basically, as a friend, put the focus on her happiness and success in the role. Don’t share any information about her supervisor.

    Above all, remember you cannot fix this for her. It’s not your responsibility. If she wants to be blind to how other people experience her behaviour, she will be.

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