What’s it like having a female best friend?

  1. It’s okay, but she has zero conception of how difficult love and dating are for average looking men, which is annoying. My other friend also makes sweeping generalizations about men, but thinks all women are complete individuals with no similarities. I have two best friends and they’re both girls.

  2. like having a close friend?? i don’t understand why the point that them being a women would change anything

  3. we do each other’s nails and have pillow fights and sleepovers, but we don’t talk about it.


  4. It’s mostly the same as having a male best friend. But, I *have* had sex with my female best friend (we’re strictly platonic now, but we explored other options for a few months back in the day), so I guess it’s a little different.

  5. Pretty much like a male best friend. You may hear a lot more about dicks than you want. On the other side you have on average different topics you talk about. Not the clichee type tough, so it’s a welcome change

  6. My male best friends I talk to every few days or weeks or months sometimes.

    My female best friend I talk to every day, or close to it.

    I have shared beds platonically with both male and female on drunken nights and there’s no difference.

    And hanging out tends to be the same. Really not much of a difference but there is a touch

  7. In college I had more female friends than male. Just found them easier to talk to.

    After college I moved a good distance away and lost contact with most of them. Wife and I met a couple randomly over the years. Wife was nervous at first but then upon meeting them said they were like sisters I never had.

  8. It’s just easier for me. I don’t have to pretend to be a guy with her and I can just be me. We use to go dancing together and hang out more and that is stuff you really cannot do with male friends.

    She’s married now and I get to come over anytime I want and play with her kid. For me, it’s like I get to live another life, another fork in the road, for a few hours.

  9. It’s great until you get married and your wife doesn’t want you hanging out with her anymore.

  10. The same as any best friend? Ultimately, my wife is my best friend. But my closest friend is a girl. No I’m not sexually attracted to her, and yes my wife is also friends with her. I think the only real difference is that women are generally more open to talking about vulnerable topics. She has great insight whenever I’m struggling with various aspects of life. I’ve always preferred making friends with girls rather than guys since I was a kid. I just get along with women better because I’m not particularly interested in a lot of the stereotypical things guys are into and I’ve been told I put off gay vibes lol. It is what it is.

  11. Like having a male best friend, but people always assume the two of you are fucking, which can get kind of annoying. It’s nice to get a female perspective on things though.

  12. My best friend is a woman 5 years older than me, and its no different than a man being my friend.

    We connect just as well and have been friends for almost 10 years.

  13. She tends to be more understanding of emotions and initiates discussing them. She’s also physically attractive so with your girlfriend, it takes a certain level of confidence for her to be okay with it. You also need to provide reassurance leading by example with good boundaries, being honest, and having open communication. I’ve been with women that wanted me to cut her out.

  14. It was fantastic, but then she moved on with her life and I still occasionally think about her.

  15. I noticed that you have to be more cautious about what you say, compared to having a male best friend. Like more emotionnal and more easily offended , so u have to choose your worlds carefully sometimes…you can’t be blunt about certain things

  16. It’s different. She’s gorgeous, I’m average, and she’s oblivious to why my love life sucks, while she has guys throwing themselves at her.

    She also doesn’t understand that conversations should be two way, not always one way (her.)

    And she gets emotional over very small things.

  17. Depends on if she’s hot or not and how how horny you are in a given moment. I’ve had day dreams of banging all my female friends who are remotely attractive. The ugly one’s are basically dudes with vaginas until I haven’t had any in some time. All of sudden she goes from dude to damn never noticed you have a really nice ass.

  18. It’s generally a lot easier to talk to a female friend than it is to talk to a fellow man, especially when it comes to understanding emotions.

    If I fail to read between the lines when my wife is mad at me, my female best friend is a lot more adept at getting to the bottom of it than my male best friend is.

  19. Mandatory – not a man

    I can vouch that men know exactly in which group they fall, if they are bros or if they are orbiting.
    I have a couple of guys who don’t want to be my friends but want to spend time with me for the chance of fucking me. They know they will never get it, and pretend that they don’t want it, but I see it in the way they speak and the fact that they never want to hang if they have a GF or if there are more guys. So I treat them like sneaky little shits that they are.

    For my bros on the other hand (two of them) it’s a whole other deal. Those guys would jump into hell to get me out and I would do the same for them. One is married, his wife is amazing and treats me like a sister. We have my Brunhilde in our friend group as well and the four of us have been tightnit for 10 years now.

    But, there is a difference. The two of us protect our bros socially, kind’a like a PR service, and they protect us emotionally when we are down because the two of them are like goofy rocks. Only sometimes those roles need to switch.

  20. *”What’s it like having a female best friend?”*

    This question is asked every day. It seems that this is OPs turn today!

    It’s like having a best friend…that’s a female!

    Hey a lazy question deserves an equally lazy answer!


    Ahhhhhh, 58 karma points.

    That’s why OP asked it.

  21. Its the fucking best you get to tell them all your feelings that you don’t tell your guy friends. Mine just passed away a couple days ago. She knew everything about me, everything that happened in real time, who i was dating, what date i was going on, about upcoming job interviews to even how clean my toilet bowl was. Vice versa. I’ve was bored at work and usually text her but now i cant. Ever. I’ve lost one of the best things in my life.

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