We met on Hinge, and have been dating very happily for 3 months. The only problem is… about a month ago, she started forcing me to have sex with her.


Trust me, I love doing that with her and it is always great, but a man can only go so many times in a short period of time. (I am only human… right fellas???). This woman is a freak, as soon as we are done, we have a conversation about who “won the race” and it’s 60/40 in my favor (I guess I’m the better racer if I always finish first right?). Anyways, whenever I win the race, she wants to go again so she has a chance to finish the race. Well, some days she wants to win the race SEVERAL TIMES. As a man, this can be 1. exhausting and 2. D\*ck breaking. What I mean by this is after about 10 or so times within a 24 hour period is I get an excruciating pain in my junk and it hurts to move or get hard.

Even knowing that my junk is “broken” she still tells me we HAVE TO do it. I reluctantly agree everytime, and I wont lie, it is not the worst thing ever, and feels amazing while we are doing it. But the foreplay and after the fact, I AM IN PAINNNNNNNNN! And let me tell you, small bodily movements hurt and it genuenly feels like my thing is broken.

Does anyone have advice for what I should do? Do I continue to agree to it to make her happy? Please help my thing is struggling to keep up!

  1. Bro tell her to chill that your dick needs a break and maybe get an std test 😂

  2. Do a quick experiment. Hold your ground when you don’t want to have sex. If her response is anything other than respectful of this leave that relationship immediately.

    You have the right to say no to sex whenever you want and insisting to have sex when you don’t want to is delving into coercion territory. Too many women out here thinking they’re entitled to sex because they think men want it all the time which very rapidly becomes SA.

  3. My ex tried to force me to have sex with her. But she eventually realized that trying to force me to do something, makes me want to do it less. So instead of backing off and allowing me to warm up to the idea, she dumped me

  4. Bro, if you’re tired and hurting, tell your woman. Personally, I can go 3 times in a few hours and I’m tapped out for the entire day. It truly exhausts you blowing your load that much. And yes, you can have pain in your shaft, pelvis area, and chaffing on your dick. Listen to your body, go once, twice and call it a day. Use your hands and mouth if she seriously “needs” more. If you tell her no and she gets mad, she’s just selfish.

  5. These comments would be so much different if this was a woman posting about her boyfriend lol

  6. There comes a time when this much amount of sex feels like another tideous job. Then you will stop enjoying sex at all. Act on it before that happens to you. Have an open discussion, draw your boundaries, if need be.

  7. Dude, you gotta get OUT of this relationship. Anyone who doesn’t respect a “no” is NOT a good partner. The fact that you’re in literal PAIN makes this even worse. I dated a guy once who liked to have a LOT of sex (I enjoyed our sex life too, so it was good). There was one day we’d already had sex four times and he was going for a fifth, but as soon as he started I realized that I was REALLY sore at that point. So, I told him to stop because I hurt, and he
 stopped. Because that’s what you do when you care about your partner; you don’t try to MAKE them do a thing that makes them uncomfortable.

  8. 10x in 24 hours??? I’d be lucky to get two rounds in in that timeframe. Mind you, I got 20 years on you, but wow… Your refractory period is insane to keep up to that.

    Sex should not be painful. If it is, stop. Tell her no, and MEAN IT. If she starts molesting you after you say no, just walk out of the room. Seriously, get up and walk away. If she tracks you down to ask why tell her she either respects you or she doesn’t.

    Also, if any girl posted this about her man doing the same to her, what would the reaction be? Yeah. If it’s not ok one way, it’s not ok the other.

  9. That’s crazy, 10 times and she still wants more
 she disrespected your boundaries but you need to assert them. If she forces it again, I would break up because that is sexual assault when you say no.

  10. Listen to Offspring’s song “Self Esteem”…
    As for her forcing you to go as fast as possible and then wanting more when you’ve cum and she hasn’t.. that shows her immaturity and likely that she watches a lot of porn and thinks that sex is just fucking as hard and fast as possible. She needs to learn to slow down and enjoy herself and let you take your time. Also I’d suggest learning about foreplay and how to get her off with your mouth and fingers.. giving her a few orgasms before you start should help even out the playing field.

  11. naah bro this is rape, if you want to go longer then pace yourself and dont “win the race” so fast

    if you dont want to well that is an entirely different conversation, again regarding the fact that she is raping you

  12. Get rid of this horrible woman. If she’s willing to continue knowing you’re in so much pain she quite clearly doesn’t care about you. This can only lead to worse problems in my opinion

  13. You’ve known her for 3 months. Dump her and find someone you don’t feel used and violated by.

  14. Tell it to her straight very stern and very serious, with you always caving and enjoying it in the moment and even the way you talk about here she probably doesn’t realize how serious it is. Just sit her down and be serious no, “well it’s not the worst thing in the world, I love doing it with you but it kinda hurts”

  15. 10x in 24 hours? Do you not have jobs?

    Also OP if this is real: forcing you to have sex is sexual assault.

  16. Sounds like a sex addict with absolutely no respect for you saying ‘no’. Sex addiction can be an extreme form of co dependency and can also be sexual trauma related….Either talk to her about it, seriously, ask her what’s going on , well away from the bedroom, a or just end it because she’s literally raping you …and be clear why you’re out.

  17. Men also start saying NO. A NO is a NO for men and women. Respect each other 😎

  18. In my late teens, my first girlfriend and I would fuck like rabbits.

    I remember when I got my first paycheck, we went on a weekend away to a 3 star hotel outside the city we lived in and barely left our room.

    We only went out for breakfast, lunch and dinner and we’d go back to the room. We were pretty much doing foreplay the whole time and must have had sex 6/7 times in the space of 2 days and by the end we both were extremely exhausted and slept like 12 hours before the checkout.

    10 times a day seems… honestly terrible.

  19. Ohh bro she is a nymphomaniac, is she having orgasms? Maybe she doesn’t finish the right way and that is why she wants to continue without end. I had a friend who was in a similar situation, he couldn’t cope with her at the end. You need to make understand that is not only having sex, try to ask her why she wants to finish the race more than 10 times, try to find the issue

  20. She sounds a bit rapey 😬. Like a ton of others suggested, be firm with your boundaries and if she has a problem it’s time to leave her ass.

  21. No means no be it a guy or a girl… Forcing ur partner n not even considering the situation he is in is basically abuse…. Just say no n let her decide if she loves u n want to stay with u Or not… If it’s like she needs a lot of orgasm then use massager or vibrators on her but if she denies then u don’t need to suffer…

  22. If the genders were reversed we’d be talking about control, coercion, maybe even SA. Men have an equal right to body autonomy. OP, please don’t engage in acts you don’t want to or that cause you pain or discomfort. Stand your ground with your boundaries.

  23. If the roles were reversed and a male was demanding sex from a female, there would be groups of women with pitchforks and torches in hand ready to string you up from the rooftops.

  24. 41M here… you are capable of a lot of sex, but 10 times in 24 hours is too much.

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