I am 22 and female. My I guess „problem“ is that I don’t find guys in my country attractive. Like I am much more attractive to guys from other countries, especially the US, England or Australia. Idk why, but I am much more drawn to them. In my country, Germany, I feel like people in general are not thaat outgoing or „loud“, but that’s my type lol.
I spent a semester of uni in the US last year and had so many nice „encounters“ with guys there, while at home I barely meet anyone or see someone on a dating app who I find interesting or am attracted to.

In 2 months I‘ll be traveling to Australia so that’ll be good I hope, but my question is I guess if anyone of you experienced the same or has any advice since I feel like I am missing out on dating people but I can’t really my preferences I guess.

  1. haha, i’m the opposite…I actually find german guys attractive because many of them seem quite serious and mature and reserved.

  2. i’ll be honest, i kind of only see this change in behavior from caucasian men. I’ve noticed European white men are much more reserved than American white men. But to be honest, the women are, too. I went to school in Europe and the social scene was okay. I didn’t like how everyone kind of kept to themselves whereas in America it’s much more “i’m gonna talk to this person in the elevator”.

    But as for not seeing people you’re attracted to on dating apps, that’s really weird bc that’s physicality, not personality. Have you ever thought it may just be a foreign fetish?

    PS. I think German guys are so hot?? Like…wanna switch places😅

  3. As a representative of Australian men I would like to say a huge welcome to all the lovely ladies from around the world. Come on down under. We would love to meet you all.

  4. I’m American, and I usually get hit on frequently, but I worked abroad in Germany for a few months. While the men still wanted to get with me, they would try to maintain a friendship for weeks beforehand and it was way too slow for my taste.

  5. Might be just the cultural differences that make foreign men seem more attractive to you. The girl I’m currenly in sort of a situationship with is from all the way across the world and the differences in values and way of thinking kind of adds to the mystery around her if that makes sense

  6. You’re fetishizing people from other countries because you think they’re different or exotic. You really shouldn’t date someone you fetishize. You’ll never appreciate them for who they really are, and that’s not fair to them. It’s no different than the people who fetishize Asians.

  7. Go back to your values (and tied with that are personality needs) and figure out what these foreign guys represent for you. Is it excitement? Is it the accent? Is it the promise of adventure? See what comes up for you. And write it down so you can review and build on it.

  8. Also I hope I don’t get in trouble for dying text message. I wasn’t putting anybody down I was just stating the truth. Through research. If I don’t make that statement I’ll be banned again, Or if somebody gets their feelings hurt, I get in trouble. Come to the united states,

  9. U must make up ur mind the type of man u like his feature after doing that u will have a date.am a Nigeria live in Nigeria I need a foreign woman to marry.

  10. Beauty is subjective and I find many people beautiful no matter where they are from (I’m a man from uk btw) now I am in Spain for holiday and in front of me in the supermarket queue was a German lady and I thought she was very attractive. I think I need to visit Germany very soon.

  11. White American guy. I find Asian girls wildly attractive. I have met maybe three people in the US I was actually attracted too which includes Asian Americans. It’s kind of weird but I’m okay with it. I always thought part of it is due to having an interest in cultures other than your own, or maybe not liking parts of your own culture so you appreciate people who behave differently. But it doesn’t bother me any. I vacation in Asian countries now. It’s been great.

  12. Ah coming to my country, welcome in advance 🙂

    Honestly speaking I’m not a big fan of Aussie girls especially here. Lot of them have fake personalities, pretty rude when speaking and selfish as they put their priorities and needs first before others. That being said I’m not speaking for all the girls here but from all of my negative experiences. I do prefer foreign girls, especially Asians, South Americans and European girls.

  13. You’re only 22 and you’re still learning what you’re attracted to, so don’t worry about it too much

  14. It’s novelty. You still need to find someone with a similar outlook on life for it to work out

  15. Do you happen to be from Canada ? Because I don’t blame u & I feel this so much

  16. I can relate, I was born in Australia but I’m not very attracted to Australian women, I’m actually in the process of moving to Japan, I loved how polite they were and how much fun the Japanese people are to be around.

  17. US dudes are full of crap, just give more time than couple of weeks to reveal themselves

  18. I kinda get you.. German guys are kinda “difficult” in my experience. Though I’m not really a huge fan of Aussies either lol. Either way, good luck 🙂

  19. Living in the US and find the majority of other countries more attractive. South Africans, Indian, Middle Eastern, Scottish, Irish, Samoan, Ghanaians, Spaniards, Italians, Australians, etc. I hear ya on being surround by what feels basic. Feeling like I’m too judgmental on what I find attractive and I’ll have to settle.

  20. Oddly I feel the same. I live in the UK and I’m more attracted to women not from here. I guess it’s because they’re “different”. You see the same aesthetic of woman all the time in your native country that it gets boring. Maybe that’s it? The allure of a different kind of look and attitude/personality.

    I was in an LDR with an American woman (it didn’t work out) but I was madly in love with her and haven’t felt that way about a woman from England in a very long time if ever.

    Edit: guys in this thread, no offence but she’s not looking for a date, she’s looking for advice and perspectives. You all look creepy as hell hitting on her or inviting her to your country.

  21. Im the same way. I got really lucky to genuinely bond with an american (im european myself) but I just cannot see myself dating people in my own country. Maybe you wish to go out and see the world and dont want to settle yet! Go out girl! Im 22 myself and we got plenty of time!

  22. Dude same. I’m talking to this guy who lives way too far from me but he’s everything I’ve wanted in a person. At least he showed me it exists so it’s giving me hope.

  23. Frankfurt to NY is not that expensive. From a Canadian perspective, we like German girls. Pursue guys overseas, lots of guys here are trying to date in Asia, no different.

  24. That’s great! Everyone should do what they feel. And if you like foreigners from these countries, then go for it)
    Australia is a new experience. I think you will like it.
    Good luck! Be yourself and don’t be shy!

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