I have a good friend who is getting married, but they haven’t even been together 2 months. He’s not the best judge of character. His past two relationships turned out to be undocumented and were using the hell out of him, desperately trying to marry so they could get their green card.

I met his newest fiance and she doesn’t speak a word of English so he doesn’t know what she is saying most of the time. He doesn’t speak much Spanish but is trying. I asked him if she was indeed legal and he said she’s “working on it.”

I see a lot of red flags and hope this 3rd one is a good one, but I can only hope.

  1. He is actively pursuing these types of women. He is not a victim at this point. He is just foolish.

    He either wants to be used or just doesn’t care. I know you see things from his perspective because he is your friend, but these relationships are transactional for both parties. He clearly isn’t with her for her rousing conversation, so what is it he wants out of this relationship? My guess is sex and some arm candy, and that is no better than banging for citizenship IMO.

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