I’m not talking of an every day recurring thing. I’m talking about a once in a while thing.

I wanted to iniciate sexting with a guy the other day and he straight up said “nou”. I was taken aback like… excuse me?

Just a couple of days ago we had an intense sexting session and it was really nice. But he iniciated. Now that I’m the one who wants to have their needs met, I find myself with this negative response and I feel super rejected 😞. How do you deal with that feeling?

TL,DR: I iniciated sexted and was rejected, how does one cope with that?

  1. You move on with life or probably go somewhere and masturbate about it like any other adult. Or if youre really that horny and need somebody to scratch that itch, find someone else to sext

  2. I’d ask what makes him solicit it versus you soliciting it? Timing, mood etc. some people don’t want sexts coming up on their phone if they’re around others which is a big understandable factor

  3. Yeah it’s not a big deal so do not beat up yourself about it he just said no one time continue to initiate it and see what happens

  4. Just understand that he was just not in a mood at that point. It’s not that he rejected you, it just wasn’t the right time for it.

    Don’t take it as that you aren’t attractive. Again, he just wasn’t in the mood and wanting sex at that moment.

  5. I shrug, remember that it’s fine for anyone to not be into sex at any given time, feel glad to be with someone who communicates clearly about that, and move on to something else. If I felt the rejection had been done hurtfully I might bring it up later, when my feelings were not so hurt, and say “hey, can we talk about a different way for you to turn me down a bit more gently,” but a straightforward “no” wouldn’t seem to me to need that sort of talk.

  6. deal with it like how men deal with it

    be a little annoyed, accept that’s life, and move on.

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