For me, it would be never.

  1. Once. Girl said I looked “kinda cute in a weird kind of way”. That was middle school.

  2. As a man, almost never.
    I think, as a man, you have to be remarkably good looking to be complemented on it often, if at all.
    The last time I was complemented on my looks was in my twenties.
    In my mid thirties, there were times I could tell when women were giving me looks or were into me.
    But otherwise, no one does.
    I wouldn’t sweat it.
    Complement others. Don’t worry about yourself.

  3. I can read minds, so I’m accustomed to most women losing their grip when I walk past.

  4. Daily, when I go to work, I have to suit up and I have a pretty unique hairstyle, plus I interact with a ton of people from staff to customers

    On my days off… never, just t shirt and jeans or shorts with a ball cap

  5. When I get my ass into shape. I get the occasional compliment.

    When I let myself go… it’s a desert out there compliment-wise, lol

  6. Just once that I remember. Girl pulled up to the date and said I was hot.

    Honestly, I think she just had a low bar for hotness.

  7. A handful of times and it’s mostly compliments about how I either look like a grizzled lumberjack or a very imposing professor lol.

  8. My coworker gave me a backhanded compliment, said I’m not bad looking, great personality and a vert sweet guy but told me to lose a little weight and get stronger cologne.

    Other than that, usually get compliments on my hair.

  9. A fair amount. Usually it’s people telling me I look like a movie star, but sometimes people just come right out and say I’m hot or something.

  10. Often, mostly by my guy friends. Girls will usually give me a compliment prefaced by, “I don’t want to boost your ego”, then they’ll say some of the nicest things I hear…. Then backhand it in some way.

  11. Quite a bit.

    Way more often in my teen years and early 20s when I had hair and was skinner/leaner but I get occasional odd compliment on my looks now.

    I work in retail and deal with the general public in a near daily basis which opens up the door to interacting with a lot of woman customers and I’ve had some randomly compliment me.

    I remember one Muslim woman saying “Thanks handsome” right after I served her. I’ve had 3 woman last year ask for my number from my job and I remember helping out this old elderly woman and she thanked jd bh saying “You’re a very helpful young man. Very handsome too”. Which was very sweet of her

    I also remember having this odd woman customer come into the store one day. Look at me behind the cashier and say out loud “There is that face I’ve been waiting to see all week”… take that as you will. I took it as a compliment.

    I even have had 2 gay men compliment me which was a bit awkard as I’m straight and one was a ex boss of mine which was VERY awkard and I’ve even had the rare straight man tell me I’m a good looking dude. Like I remember 2 older men I work with got talking to me about dating and me being single and telling me that I should go out there anc meet women because I’m a good looking dude.

    I get compliments here and there. I’m told that I look a lot like WWE Wrestler Randy Orton which I take as a MASSIVE compliment (not as in shape. Facial wise)

  12. A few times a month. Last Monday I saw an ex and she said, “you look good.”

  13. I get complimented more by women for being a large guy that women feel small next to.

  14. Girls have called me cute before. But how much weight does that carry? They say the same thing about dogs, babies and wild animals. I just assume they’d say “hot” or something else if they really found me attractive.

    Was called handsome a few times, but c’mon that’s something my grandma says.

    A girl said I had a nice butt once. Specifically she smacked it and said bubble butt.

    In college I took a speech class. Classmates would submit anonymous feedback on our speeches to help us improve. One girl’s comment only said that I had a really nice smile.

    So like twice in 30+ years.

  15. I am the male equivalent of a “trophy wife”, so it’s kind of a frequent occurrence, but I’m still pretty clueless about how to handle it.

  16. My mom and grandpa say I’m handsome

    I look in the mirror and think I’m ugly as shit though. Might save up for some plastic surgery

  17. Someone once said I looked like Justin Beiber when I was a bit younger so… I’m negative 1

  18. About 17 years ago a girl told me i look like a model. Other than few times, but only after i complimented female coworker like “you look great/ nice dress”.

  19. As a straight dude, a lot by dudes for my muscles lol. Also, gay janitors, driver’s, waiters, etc. “You are very hot!” In 3 different languages so far lol

  20. A year ago a drunk girl at ac party called me hot. I said thank you and gave her a hug. I was riding that high for months. Other than that, never.

  21. A girl I worked with called me beautiful once in 2017.

    I clarified “you mean like internally right? Lile on the inside?” And she said nope, just in general.

    I cried over that.

    (obviously not in front of everyone, I’m a real man. I did it later, alone in the bathroom with the faucets running on full blast with the fan on and the door locked.)

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