We dated for 3 years had a major falling out and after 10 months have been slowly trying again after lots of conversations, admittance and reconnection. Here is what I have typed to send or say.

There are infinite possibilities of how me and you get the chance to be together. All I’m seeing is how possible it is. When I see you’re staying focused and positive, all I do for the people I care for is uplift that. It’s a priority of mine to be there like that, so I can keep good people in my life. If I see it as a chore or burden, then that means they’re taking something from me that I don’t have. Which means I don’t need them in my life or they’re not good people💀😂

I know I can uplift you, I know Ill always avoid slowing you down in anyway. I hope that’s what you’ll do for me too.

When I dream big, I’m not there alone, and I didn’t get there alone.

I want more time with you, I want that part where we’ve hung out without music for a couple hours to hit and then we’re finally like why didn’t we put something on. Then we start the session. That part where we go to the park and read!!! And bring a fkn charcuterie board with us. I want that part where we finally finish cooking dinner and we sit down on the bed and we realize we forgot drinks and shit, so I gotta get back up. That part where we’re not in a car with the middle console blocking you from putting your head on my chest. The moments where we can just hold each other, stare and appreciate everything. The parts where it’s Wednesday and it’s the summer, and we wanna go to the beach, or tobi Lou finally goes on tour so we make plans. Or we realize there’s a whole new season of the flash to watch so we gotta watch together. Or at least talk while watching it. The feeling when it’s just smiles and no words. The feeling to looking forward to next time. The feeling of being proud at every challenge conquered. No longer needing to worry about who’s moving across the country first and if it’s gonna be alone. Eventually feeling excited to hang with our friends and family again. I definitely want the part where even if we haven’t said we’re together, we are, we figured out the equation on how to grow separately together, and we can make memories through it still. Until we’re on the other side of success with tears of joy that this was another thing we didn’t give up on.

Too much? Keep it to myself? Protect my own energy?
Avoid a lackluster response? Or possible rejection of some of it?

TL;DR: me and my ex dated for 3 years, we are both working on hard on ourselves separately, while supporting each, we see each other once a week for a few hours. I know I want more time with her and I know we have a lot of decisions about our lives to make soon, location changes, etc. I want to communicate but I’m being critical of myself and want other opinions.

  1. 99.999999% of the time, once you’ve broken up once you CANNOT have a healthy long-term relationship again. You broke up for reasons. When you break up, all the bad feelings that have built up to cause the breakup continue to color that.

    You need to work on *letting go*.

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