Me(23f) and my bf(24m) broke up almost one year ago after being together for 8 years. The relationship was as toxic as it can get. He used to control everything, what I wore to my cats my family and everything. Used to get extremely verbally abusive over something so so insignificant things, used to get mad if my cats slept with me. We broke up when he saw me wearing jeans and a T shirt, he slapped me in public and a lot happened and we broke up. I maintained NC but he somehow reached me and cried to be in touch, I was very emotional so I agreed. We stopped communicating 6 weeks ago again over an argument and now I feel to reach out again, I really don’t know why this keeps happening? He treated me so so bad, no gifts during birthdays, anniversary or any occasion, never made me feel special never even opened the car door for me cause it seemed ‘too much work’ for him. Even then why I feel to reach him out? I feel like screaming and complaining to him on why he didn’t treat me better.

Tldr- How to move forward from an abusive relationship.

  1. Trauma bond. Your parents were probably toxic too so you’re attracted to it. It’s familiar. You need much more self-love and therapy. It’s very probable that if a guy treated you well, you would find him boring and wouldn’t date him.

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