Where do the chunkier men shop if you’re on the shorter side? My husband started living in bibbed overalls after an injury that resulted in gaining a substantial amount of weight. He’s finally willing to try “normal” clothing again but firmly believes that he’s too large now. 5’9 and 300-325lbs.
Much appreciated.

  1. Big and tall sections I’ve found reliable. Once I found my sizes and measurements I was able to shop with confidence. Also determine if your partner needs a Big size (horizontally larger for more waist mass) or Tall size (shirts with more length for a tall torso for a large front torso).

  2. 5’9 is not necessarily “shorter side”.

    That being said, big and tall shops will be his best friend if he’s wide. Getting measured (perhaps even getting your own Tailor’s tape to do it at home!) is going to be a godsend in knowing what clothes to look at size wise.

    What types of clothes does he *want* to wear? You can look online at shops like DXL or JCP to get an eye on stuff, but ultimately trying stuff on in person is going to actually tell him whether he likes it enough to wear it.

  3. I’m 5’9″, currently bouncing around the 240-250 lb. range. I get nearly all of my clothes from mail-order big/tall shops. Destination XL is my go-to for shirts, trousers, jeans, and outerwear; King Size Direct for stuff like skivvies, gym shorts, and sweatshirts. I used both of them when I was 300-plus several years ago.

  4. Check out a company called ONEBONE they make clothing for guys of all sizes. I have a few of their shirts and love them.

  5. i don’t have a big wardrobe but my wife bought me some True Classic tshirts and they are the best fitting tshirts i’ve ever had. Larger in the stomach area but not too big in the shoulder/arms. my problem was sizing up to fit my stomach and everything else became too big, these didn’t have that problem

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