Edit: talking about her getting pregnant from you obviously. Not someone else 😄

  1. Well, did she get pregnant from me or another guy. That’s will drastically change how I feel about it.

  2. Elevated it. There’s nothing like watching the person I love the most growing life inside her.

    To answer the second part of your question: I didn’t know that I had the capacity to cherish or respect her more. I was maxed out already, and once pregnancy happened, I leveled up or something because there absolutely was more respect and admiration.

    That might be a good metaphor for life in general, you know? We think we’ve maxed out on something and then an event happens and suddenly the ceiling gets raised.

  3. My admiration certainly skyrocketed, and she was already a Queen to me. But watching what she went through, watching her body change (both hot as fuck but fascinating) and then being on the frontlines when our daughter was born and things went way wrong with what we’d expected…my respect for all women rose significantly.

    Childbirth is incredible and metal as fuck and I’d be scared as a motherfucker having to be in her position. We’re about to welcome our son this month and then we’re done, so I’m going to make sure she knows truly how incredible she is for doing this twice.

  4. I guess I don’t really understand the question. I was still attracted to her. Still loved her. Still found her to be one of the most loyal and hardworking people I’ve ever know .

  5. I mean… getting pregnant isn’t particularly hard lol. Not sure why it would warrant any extra ‘respect’ or ‘status.’

  6. My wife was a medical resident when she got pregnant and worked 80-100 hours a week till the day before she got induced.

    I already had immense respect for her, but it was mind-boggling to see someone go through what she did with grace and poise. I don’t think I’d be able to do what she did if the roles were reversed.

  7. I feel like my wife was a lot meaner when she was pregnant. It was like a 9 month PMS. I was terrified most of the time.

  8. Much more respect for women (and my wife) going through the whole pregnancy and birthing process.

    Something men will never truly understand.
    Like… I don’t envy that women can get pregnant, in no way do I feel like i need or want to experience that.

    BUT, after seeing my wife go through it, a whole lot of respect for women that I never truly had prior.

  9. I would not still be with her if she had not borne my children. It showed her commitment to our relationship and too me. There is nothing sexier than commitment to your mate.

  10. It was like lord of the rings where the baby was the ring. The closer she got to the end the more she became kind of mean and obsessive but by the end I could finally see what a burden it was to her and how much strength she needed to just keep going each day. I will admit during the first pregnancy I didn’t appreciate it enough how much inner strength she had but now she is pregnant with twins and I try to be more of a Sam to her Frodo.

  11. Respect went up her status obviously went up she was going to be the mother of my child. The why I viewed her higher well I view having a child as the highest position. That’s me and her now being a family. Why not before to that level because I wasn’t married to her and that’s the only way she could be higher to me. Nothing being negative to her but those two situations are to me personally for life situations.

  12. It made me start to see her as an actual partner, because honestly, before that she just felt like a dependent.

  13. Flip it on its head… I stopped being as important to her as soon as she got pregnant. Kids first no matter what. It’s fucking irritating. Because I don’t see it that way.

    Just this morning my kid went to hug me and she basically asked for a hug and stole my hug. She says lovey dovey stuff to them and not me.

    So my viewpoint towards her since the kids is guarded. I don’t trust her feelings for me anymore. One day she could just be over it and want me gone. Sad to say, but it’s how I feel.

  14. I’ll be honest I was scared shitless the first time my wife became pregnant so I do not think I really had a different perspective until our first child was actually born. The one thing I remember thinking after our son was born was how mentally and physically strong my wife is. Shortly after I remember being in complete awe of her compassion and patience with our new born. Men can feel these things but not to the extent I think women can. I feel like I always respected my wife but her becoming a mother did elevate this to another level.

  15. I think my feelings for her would become stronger if she’s pregnant with my kid

  16. I was head over heels with my wife before she got pregnant. I literally didn’t think it was possible to love her more. But then she got pregnant… and all that love I had for her exploded and looked liked child’s play. I fell in love with her all over again in a way I didn’t even know existed. I loved being in public with her pregnant and showing. I was so proud. Now, when we walk as a family, somehow, it’s like that times 10. I’m so proud of her and us. It’s a love that people will never understand until it happens to them.

  17. Because she’s the mother of my kids I could never defile her in such a way as fucking her. So I’ll never be able to have sex with her again.

  18. At first. I put her on a pedestal. Until she used my child as a weapon and now she’s the devil.

  19. It didn’t make any difference. I already loved, admired and respected my wife. Her getting pregnant didn’t increase or decrease that.

  20. My first impression was that how much pain it was during childbirth.

    Women change when they give birth. They become mothers and care about what kind of food the kids eat, if they spend too much time on the screens.

    So it was nice to see that transition from a person that cares more for the kids then themselves.

  21. It was amazing. Me and my wife got married young. She got pregnant about 6 months after being married. To see the woman I love carry and give birth to our child made me so madly in love with her even deeper. To be honest, once she got over her body changing and such she looked amazing and is the greatest mother, partner, friend, daughter and sibling. I sure got lucky!

  22. It made her fat and gross. Totally undesirable as a woman. But I could bust a nut inside of her for 9 months. Then bail as soon as the little fuck trophy is born.

    Is this the answer you are looking for? I mean if you got a woman pregnant, it shouldn’t matter. Some women get better looking. Some don’t. Some let themselves go. Some don’t. But your kid is there. You better man up. Quit asking stupid questions. Love her and that kid. Good or bad. Such a childish insecure question.

  23. I just want to say; all the sweet men who have love and admiration for their SOs for bringing their kids into the world, reading your guys’ responses has restored my faith in love a little. Reading about how you all pay attention to them and love your kids has touched my cold dead heart in a lot of ways.

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