I read somewhere that it is a red flag when the guy you like have a girl best friend.
I know platonic friendships are possible but what do you think if the person you like has a best friend who is also his/her ex-gf/bf long time ago? I mean I personally feel that everything is casual after there time as lovers before (as per him, they just tried if they’ll click as more than friends) but then decided to keep the rs like before so yeah they are still best friends..

  1. I’m one of the few people that thinks this is purely a case by case thing. Example is the band Maneskin who’s singer and bassist had a relationship in the past but currently are working together and dating other people.
    However! In majority of cases and I mean majority it’s not good, especially if they had previously been in a relationship because that means either one could still have feelings or feelings could resurface at any given time. Given the amount of times people get back with their exes this is likely. Now the question is can you really put yourself through the anxiety and paranoia that being in a relationship with this guy might cause.

    It might be better and less stressful to not date him at all.

  2. I think it’s fine – I’m friends with several of my exes. Just like you say, we gave things a try, but ultimately we weren’t meant to stay together and we ended the romantic relationship on good terms.

    However, if they broke up recently, then I’d be careful. You generally do need a stand-down period to reset.

  3. I think you should look at it as a big green flag. If they are best friends that means they are secure people who had a chance to make the romantic relationship work but for some reasons it didn’t. Just because the romance didn’t work doesn’t mean that friendship couldn’t either. Those two are completely different things. It’s really a sign of maturity and security if they can make it work. Do not let your insecurity jeopardize your relationship with him. Come to it with an open mind and curiosity, eventually you will meet her and try to become friends with her too. My ex is also my best friend, we still love each other very much but not in a romantic way.

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