Or do you yourself claim such, for that matter? Sasquatch = Bigfoot, the ultimate North American cryptid.

  1. I had an art teacher who claimed Bigfoot was *absolutely* real, don’t know what he based that on though.

  2. Personally I saw what a Navajo friend described as a skin walker out in the Ah Shi Shle Pah Wilderness.

    I am sure it was just a person out on the ridge in the distance. But being out in that crazy wilderness made me believe especially since the person seemed too big to be human. Also having a full blood Navajo say it just added to it all.

    Either way it was a strange experience even if it was just a random person out in an area where no people exist.

  3. I’ve never seen him… but he comes into my house almost every night. He never wakes us or leaves anything behind… but when I go to brush my teeth in the morning that fucker has mangled the tube and smashed it in the middle.

    Wife swears it’s not her… so I just kinda assume it’s a Sasquatch.

  4. Well of course I’ve seen him! He’s me!

    Seriously though, I do not know anyone myself, partially because the people I know would be embarrassed to admit they even thought they did.

  5. Bigfoot is blurry, that’s the problem. It is not the photographers fault.

    That is extra scary to me.

    There is a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside.

    RIP Mitch.

  6. As much as we enjoy the *idea* of Bigfoot out here, every person I’ve talked to, who’s over the age of 10 or so, knows he’s just a fun PNW mascot.

    I’d actively avoid anyone who believed they’d actually had an encounter with Bigfoot or aliens since they’re either liars or unwell

  7. I don’t know anyone who claims to have seen Bigfoot, but I do know a guy who believes in it and goes to Bigfoot conventions and searches for him

  8. About 13 years ago I was driving home in north Georgia around 2-3am. I was driving over Blood Mountain below where the Appalachian Trail crosses the road. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and something large stuck the right rear quarter panel of my Hyundai Accent. Shook the whole car. I hit the breaks and looked around but didn’t see anything. I didn’t get out of my car because it was the middle of the night and I was on Blood Mountain. When I got home I checked the car for damage but there was nothing. No fur or blood, nothing. So I like to tell people that Bigfoot hit my car.

  9. What do you mean “claim”? You’re not one of these people still claiming they don’t exist are you?

  10. Yeah, me, with my freakin wife 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Just kidding folks she’s very pretty and I love her

  11. Yes. Both as a joke and completely serious. They had whole conventions for Bigfoot before covid.

  12. My next door neighbor claims to have seen Bigfoot in Colorado. When pushed he’ll admit he hasn’t seen Bigfoot, but he’s seen a really big footprint in some snow

  13. I saw a big foot once but the only camera I had an me was a Nineteen hundreds box camera with a smudged lens

  14. Closest I’ve been was a large cardboard cutout strategically placed on the side of a highway in Minnesota

  15. If I had a dime for every redneck I’ve met with a story or three about how bigfoot was “Thiiiiis close 🤏” to their truck or tent or chicken coop one night two decades ago I could afford to purchase and ruin Twitter for a second time

  16. In the late 70s my dad was a log truck driver, he and many other drivers claimed to have seen things.

    So, as my mom was an artist my dad told these guys to come on by and my mom would sketch what they saw.

    Many different sketches of what one would say is Bigfoot.

    When my dad dies, I hope to acquire that sketchbook.

  17. Methheads make dope in the deep woods of national forests, accessible only by twisting logging roads. They don’t sleep, eat or bath or months. This is the closest you will come to actual big foot

  18. My uncle was on a documentary for a sighting. So yes. My hometown has a yearly Sasquatch festival

  19. Well, I know two canadians in a trailer park in nova scotia beat one up with bats /s

    nah, I don’t know anyone personally who had a Sasquatch encounter

  20. Yes.

    Harriett McFeely owner of the Bigfoot Museum in Hastings, Nebraska.

    If you are ever driving across the country on I-80 I highly suggest you check it out. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.

    This woman and her late husband dedicated their lives to proving the existence of Bigfoot and are true believers. She lives and breaths Bigfoot and has several stories about encounters.

    The museum is in her home and she will conduct the tour. We ended up spending 3 hours chatting to her. Very interesting.

  21. I’m convinced I saw Sasquatch in the Catskills about 12years ago. I don’t even believe in it but the alternative explanation is more fantastical than just saying it was a Bigfoot.

  22. Not Sasquatch but the Mothman. My husband’s aunt is convinced that she saw the Mothman while sitting out in her hot tub one night. It’s my understanding that the Mothman is from West Virginia and we definitely do not live close. Does the Mothman fly? Was he taking a vacation to Southern Indiana? We may never know.

    Last year she even went to a conference for people who have experienced Mothman sightings. She’s pretty serious about it.

  23. I once had an experience that I have been told was Bigfoot dye to things being flung or thrown at my camp area. I haven’t ever seen one and don’t imagine how we could have not found solid proof this day and age but I sure can’t explain how rocks and sticks and such were thrown at me that night and I never did actually see what was snooping around my campsite all night.

  24. My mom lives up north in an old farm house and 40 acres. One of the neighbors claims to have seen Bigfoot. My husband spoke with him last year.

  25. Yes!!!

    My former neighbor’s son was on a tv show about Bigfoot hunters.

    Actually I think “Bigfoot Hunters” was actually the name of the show.

  26. My brother and I set out on a winter adventure, we were trying to reach a remote hot spring in early December. From where we hoped to leave the truck it would be about 4 hours to cc ski in. It’s closed to all motorized travel during this season so large game isn’t disturbed by snow machines and such. Absolutely great day, reach our spot set up camp and cook dinner. The spring comes out of the mountain pretty high up and fills a series of pools about 4 foot deep. Up high scalding hot lower down cooler. It’s about 26 degrees for the daily high so we start low and work our way up to a perfect hot pool. This is kind of set up on a ridge overlooking the trail around 11pm on a clear starry night with 3/4 moon with around a foot of snow on the ground it was absolutely beautiful and bright. I watched something big and dark running on 2 legs, it went about 100 yards through a clearing at around 300 yards from us. I have been on 5 successful bear hunts and spent a lot of time in the back country. I can not identify what my brother and I witnessed that night the closest thing that would make sense is a frickin big foot IDK. It snowed another 6 inches that night and I never got a good look at any tracks but we slept in shifts and kept a big fire the rest of the night

  27. Yeah, sort of. A woman I did a weekend workshop with told me her sasquatch story, including how bad they smelled. She also told me that she was an incest/abuse survivor and that she takes antipsychotic meds or the veil between this world and the unseen world will vanish for her and she’ll see spirits, especially the fae, everywhere. I believe the abuse and antipsychotic part of her story, and I don’t think she was consciously lying about the sasquatch either, but for obvious reasons, I don’t think she is the most reliable witness.

  28. I knew one guy years ago who claimed that he and a friend encountered one when backpacking. It was on a pretty quiet trail, where they said that they would maybe see one or two other groups of hikers a day in Alaska, and at the time they thought it was a guy in a gorilla costume or even a hunter in a ghillie suit until they realized how remote they exactly were a couple days later.

  29. I met a painter once who said he saw a mother sasquatch and a child in the mountains of NC. It wa a bizarre conversation. He was talking like you do when something completely crazy just happened. I don’t know what he saw and don’t believe in Sasquatch but he saw something. I was worried it was a person in distress but he said they ran when they saw each other.

  30. I worked with a woman whose husband claimed to have seen one. He was even interviewed for a History Channel show called Monster Quest.

  31. a friend I graduated high school with is convinced it exists, but I’m not sure he’s ever SEEN it/him/them

    edit: we do not speak any more because I think his brain is cracked

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