This guy and I have been dating for a month and it’s been going great. However, we had sex for the first time and he did things that I found unusual compared to every other sexual encounter I’ve had
-barely spoke a word during sex, but was physically affectionate and attentive. No words were said during sex . None. No dirty talk, nothing. Afterwards other than making sure I was okay and cuddling back to sleep, nothing was said.
-the second time we had sex that night he didn’t even bother taking my clothes off.
-also during the second time he finished himself off at the end. I’m assuming he’s trying to prevent me from getting pregnant but I’ve had men with knowledge of my wish to not get pregnant before and they still never finished themselves off. They used different methods. NO other guy has ever done this. I find it odd but don’t know how to feel about it.

We still talk and are flirty etc. and he’s still making pans to see me etc.. so I’m not getting a sense that I was used. But I find it odd.

Just looking for an outside male perspective that could maybe give me clarification so I don’t have to have an awkward conversation haha

  1. He could have autism and not be good with sexy talk. A lot of guys are like that. If he is he probably enjoys himself but finds lots of dirty talk to be uncomfortable.

    I’m sure he’s just as happy as you are.

  2. I don’t like talking much during sex but the other stuff i think he just wants to relax and not do much just try talking to him to get understanding on things

  3. In the end, having those awkward conversations is the key to a healthy and long lasting relationship. No one will be able to tell you what’s really going on, but your partner. Communicate so you can work on it together 🙂

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