What do you have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

  1. Whatever I cook that day.

    Yesterday, I had sandwiches, then cod in leek sauce, then pretty much nothing.

    Today, sausages, later I’ll make chicken with fries, and in the evening some fruits maybe.

  2. I usually eat oatmeal or some kind of cereal with decent fiber content and not too much sugar. Then I usually don’t eat until dinner, where i attempt to get a balance of all the food groups. On days where I intend to eat lunch, I usually skip breakfast. 2 cups of coffee every morning, sometimes a third later in the day if I feel like risking not being able to sleep that night. On days where I am most active I tend to be able to drink more coffee and eat more food. Anytime I know I intend to eat a large meal, I take it easy earlier in the day or even the day before. Like I definitely skip breakfast on thanksgiving

  3. I make soup pretty regularly.

    I also often eat a meal of rice, with a vegetable, and a protein. Usually chicken or fish, unless breakfast where it’ll just be a few eggs. The protein and veg change with every meal, for variety.

  4. Breakfast: Protein shake

    Lunch: during the week I eat @ work, on the weekends whatever I cook.

    Dinner: depends on how lazy I am, can range from bread, oeatmeal to something like chicken breast with rice.

  5. No breakfast because of intermittent fasting.

    For lunch and dinner some mealprepped stuff.

  6. Usually for breakfast a protein shake, fruit and 15g of tahini.
    For launch chicken breast and rice with some vegetables
    For dinner an omelet, cottage cheese and some vegetables

  7. I mealprep my lunches and dinners every Sunday for the week. This week, lunches are baked chicken breast over salad with honey mustard dressing, and dinners are pan fried eggplant, cabbage, and rice. Breakfast is usually oatmeal.

  8. Breakfast never varies: bowl of cereal, 16oz O.J., english muffin, banana. Lunch tends to be an early dinner and can be traditional sandwich, chips, soda or as a dinner, it would be whatever my wife would make, chicken, burgers, pork, fish, mashed potatoes, veggie.

  9. Breakfast before workout: Oatmeal and Fruit w/ juice

    After workout: Protein shake, toast, coffee

    Lunch: Very little, maybe a small snack, like carrots, granola,

    Dinner: Varies wildly; Salads, chicken, steaks, burgers, Chinese food, Thai, Indian, sandwiches, pizza, etc.

    How much I eat all depends on how much I am lifting and working out.

  10. breakfast- oatmeal or bone broth in a mug for something quick or two eggs, toast with raisins with butter

    lunch- jerky or granola or handful of berries or apples, i just snack tbh.

    dinner- steak and onions on a sandwich or shrimp/salmon and broccoli or tuna with rice and broccoli

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