I usually try to not take work stuff personally but I’ve been working for this hotel for well over a year now so I’m kinda offended about this , I’ve stuck around long enough to watch many people come and go , worked my butt off for the place ,I’ve covered shifts etc. I found out I was pregnant in march and have been on significantly reduced hours because this first pregnancy has been kinda tough on me mentally and physically, my mother also passed away in June so I work only 3 or 4 days a week , I had to ask for reduced hours and better accommodation’s multiple times from them but it was resolved . My boss has always been kind and polite with me and has even said in the past I’m one of her fastest and best housekeepers ,we talk about our lives to each other joke around etc . I recently I found out from my sister that also works there that I was the only one not invited to her birthday party ,(there’s only 6 or 7 housekeepers for our hotel ) , I called her and she told me she was at her party ,surprised I said she never invited me , she told me that she told everyone there that she invited me and everybody was wondering where I was . My sister said sorry and agreed about how rude it was , this woman even invited me to her last birthday party when I first started working there . I’m pretty hurt about this , I feel like now that I’m pregnant maybe I’m of no use to her ,or maybe she just doesn’t like me anymore since I put my foot down about accommodations?? I still work really hard and I’ve always tried to be nice with everyone, I don’t know what I could’ve done .

  1. I’d want to believe she knows you are going through it mentally and physically at this time which is why she didn’t ask, but it’s shocking she would tell everyone you got an invite when you didn’t. See what she says the next time you see her. If she says nothing you have every right to be hurt, if she says something you still have every right to be hurt. Its terrible you had to experience this.

  2. I had a chance to read through your post and the comment before mine. I think what possibly could have happened was that she thought she invited you and somehow didn’t. It wouldn’t be the first time something like this has happened. Stuff like that happens to me all the time where I think I’ve taken care of something only to find out that it wasn’t taken care of him now I got to fix it.

    I would give your employer the benefit of the doubt and talk to her the next time you’re at work about the matter. And it may be that you will find out that she did, in fact, forget to invite you and only thought she did.

    From what you’ve described, I would find it hard to believe that this person would be that heartless To invite your sister, but not you.. Especially with how dedicated you are to getting the job done.

  3. I’m going to attempt the benefit of the doubt and think that this was your sibling that you didn’t need to be told. That they only needed to tell the others.
    Since everyone was wondering where you were, this seems the most likely situation.
    It might not occurred to the others that this was ?a surprise ?that you two weren’t talking to each other about it ?that the fact it may have been a surprise for your sister meant you needed to be told about it too.

    Now-in my opinion that leaves nothing on her or your pregnancy. And your time is quite demanding currently.

    Did you ask if there was going to be a gathering for your sister? Did you assume anything? This is where it might have been a communication error.

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