How short is too short for you when it comes to a woman’s hair and her physical attractiveness?

  1. Shit, I’ve met bald women that I would feel lucky to get a passing glance from. I think it’s all about how you wear it.

  2. Depends on the woman for me but that shouldnt matter to you. Do what you want and I’m sure there is someone out there that will find you attractive.

  3. I have no upper or lower limit for hair length. Short hair can be beautiful and so can long hair

  4. Some features look better with short hair. There’s isn’t a one-size-fits-all hair length.

  5. This question only has subjective answers. Everyone is attracted to something different.

  6. Depends on the woman and what she’s comfortable with… just don’t tell her you can’t wait to see her in G.I. Jane 2!

  7. Short hair takes 1-2 points off her attractiveness. If she’s a 9 or a 10, she can sacrifice a point or two. Most women can’t afford that.

  8. The Seinfeld episode where George dates the bald woman and then she finds out George is wearing a toupee and actually bald then she dumps him. So funny

  9. There’s no requirement for hair length some women carry their hair and confidence differently. 90s Halle was stunning (first example I can think of). If you’re looking at the person, the question, respectfully, doesn’t apply.

  10. That really depends on the person. There are women that are attractive with no hair and there are women that are not attractive with a lot of hair. Confidence plays a big role as well.

  11. why is this so common of a question? 90% of us dont fucking care. shave it or grow it out. we would still be attracted to you. so the better question is how do you like it

  12. Eh idc really. If they’re hot they’re hot. So many factors go into finding someone attractive I think. Hair is one of them but not a huge one

  13. There is no universal answer. That’s absurd. I have seen women who were entirely bald who were stunning, and I have seen women with very long hair who were very unattractive. It all depends on the woman, the shape of her head, how she styles it, and all sorts of other factors that are almost undefinable. There are may ways to be beautiful, and there are so many beautiful women in the world and they all look different.

  14. Long hair makes my dick happier, short hair (shoulder length or shorter) makes my mind happier. I don’t know, short hair makes a woman look wise or more mature? But long well kept hair is really fucking sexy.

  15. Individual preference: I find I don’t really get attracted to people when they have close-cropped “boy” cuts myself, mainly if they are not long enough to really have any flow/curl/movement.

  16. Doesn’t matter to me. I’ve seen plenty of bald women and women with buzzed heads that I find very attractive

  17. Bald women? So attractive.

    Women with short hair? I drool

    Women with waist length hair? I brush and drool

    Afros? I will struggle to hear what she says cause I’m staring

    Super long hair? Wrap it around my neck pls

    But if she has a mohawk??? I’m pitching a tent in church

  18. I find long hair on women very attractive. My wife cut her hair and keeps it to shoulder length now and although I won’t tell her, I do find her less attractive because of it.

  19. All of the women I’ve dated or been with or wanted to get with have had hair that reached their waist. Short hair is an immense turn off for me.

  20. Her figure is a lot more important to my concept of physical attractiveness than her hairstyle is.

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