It use to not be a problem but more so recently it’s been starting to get on my nerves. I’ve always been a pretty quiet guy and I’ll add comments here and there but usually won’t talk unless I’m directly spoken to in group settings. Even not in group settings I feel like I live most of my life in silence. I was fine with it up until recently and I’m starting to feel bummed out whenever I’m around people. For instance I was hanging out with 2 of my guy friends and 2 of my girl friends last night that I’ve known for years. It’s always a good time but it feels like I’m watching them hangout with each other and I’m just sitting there observing. I’ve been trying to add input in conversation more than usual but for the most part it doesn’t go anywhere and their conversations just continue. It seems like everyone’s got countless stories to talk about but whenever I try to think of stuff to talk about my mind just sort of blanks and I don’t know what to talk about. I care about these people and honestly I’m fine dealing with this dynamic for any of my friend groups but if anyone just had some insight on what’s going on or what I can improve upon that’d mean a lot, thank you.

  1. Just here to say you’re not alone. My mind completely blanks too.

  2. Same. I think it boils down to practice.
    Maybe take some time to think of interesting stories beforehand so you’re more prepared when the right moment presents itself.
    And watch some tutorials regarding good storytelling and communication. And you have to read the room. Which also comes with practice I guess.

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