Hi guys! I kinda made an account just for this because I didn’t want to post it on my main haha.

I (19F) have been dating my boyfriend (31M) for about a year. We have a really good sex life (I think anyways) but I feel like guys really like the idea of being with multiple girls at once. I’m not really sure why so many guys like this, what the appeal is. But my boyfriend has been so amazing to me that I want to give him everything 🙂

He told me he’s had a couple of threesomes over the years (with two women) and he said he really enjoyed them, that he felt like *the* man. But that it was a fairly rare opportunity that guys get.

I was considering broaching the subject of perhaps being a throuple (kind of. I’m straight so us girls wouldn’t be dating each other but more like best friends who live together with our boyfriend) but I’m still unsure about this.

Since he’s already had a few threesomes I was thinking maybe a reverse gangbang (had to google this term, was very shocked at the videos lol)? But I was wondering if 3 girls is good (including me) or more? If you’re a guy, let me know what would be the ideal number for you.

Also do I suggest it? Or kinda spring the idea on him day of? If I suggest it I suppose he’d have more say in which women participate. I don’t think it would be very hard to find willing women as I have a lot of friends and am in college (plus my boyfriend is pretty conventially attractive).

Sorry for the long explanation, basically I’m asking for the guys on here to tell me what would be the ideal situation.

Or am I being stupid and completely off the mark and a guy wouldn’t actually appreciate something like this?

  1. The idea of being fucked by multiple young women is actually really repulsive to every man, especially the ones who have enjoyed having threesomes before. /s

    Just make sure it’s something he’d want in a general sense. If he has a type, choose among your friends who fit that type. Then go quiet for a while and surprise him later.

  2. A guy that much older than you should be the one doing all the pleasing. I hope you feel like you are enough for your partner. That should be first. Then kinky fun if u desire it.

    From past experience, most guys in their 30’s going after teenagers are human garbage. I hope it isn’t the case for u. Good luck.

  3. You’re his type. I hope you remain his type when you are 25 or 30. Good luck to you.

  4. Personally, I find the thought of having sex with anyone but my wife repulsive, but then again I am not allosexual.

    What really matters is what he would enjoy, and while it certainly sounds like he might enjoy having sex with multiple women, what you’re proposing is having a relationship with multiple women, which is a completely different subject and one you’ll need to discuss with him.

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