More and more media have reported that the skirt on the man is a trend. Celebrities like Brad Pitt have also worn it on the red carpet. And anyone who has worn one knows how great the freedom of leg movement and the feeling of the well-ventilated balls is. But why do I still not see men wearing a skirt, what is stopping us?

  1. This might be a shock, but most men do not secretly have a strong desire to wear a skirt.

  2. I have worn a kilt before for a friends wedding, while it was a little liberating I also saw myself thinking about how I was sitting and moving more. I’m not a fancy guy so basketball shorts are more than enough for me.

  3. It needs to be understood that cross dressing and further transitioning is atypical behavior. The idea that every man should want embrace their feminine side is due to a media focus on a very very small subset of society.

  4. Because it is a feminine garment typically worn by girls and women? It should be no surprise that men aren’t wearing them.

  5. I don’t have a secret desire to embrace my feminine side no matter how hard the media is trying to force it on me. And I’m pretty sure that applies to most men.

    Can we finally let men be men and women be women?

  6. I lost a bet in one of my bands and had to do a gig wearing a Scottish kilt… this was not a pretty sight! So not for me lol

  7. My trousers are comfortable, I never feel restricted wearing them so I wear them. I don’t think skirts would offer me any benefits over trousers

  8. Absolutely impractical.

    I’m an active dude, I need to protect my shins, knees and thighs from dirt, water, grease, oil, scratches and cuts from foreign objects. I also like manspreading. So a skirt is stupid.

  9. Let me turn your question around. Why are you (and seemingly a lot of other LGBTQ+ folk) seemingly obsessed with wanting to get men to wear skirts?

    I ask this as someone who has worn a kilt before, and honestly, I prefer pants.

  10. *shrug*

    I like pants, I don’t even wear shorts unless it’s a swimsuit. It’s just what I’m comfortable in and where I live I will take the extra mosquito protection over the extra ventilation anyway.

  11. i dont care what media or brad bitt is saying /wearing


    i dont see benefits, im allways wearing not skinny pants

  12. We have shorts. They look a hell of allot cooler than a skirt would on us and they feel great.

  13. Trend or not. It’s not something I’m into. Just like I never got into sagging when that was a thing, or skinny jeans when that was a thing.

  14. I heard a joke from my Scottish buddy at work.

    He would say something to the effect of

    “Because the last man who called it a skirt….. got himself Kilt.”


    I would wear one if they could lift the requirement to “go commando” whilst wearing a Kilt.

  15. I have, they are crazy uncomfortable and anything outside of something like a kilt, look terrible with hairy legs and fuck if I am shaving too.

    You also need to consder male body shapes. A skirt works on women well do to their waist and hips, men are far more boxey and it just doesn’t make most cuts of skirt look even remotely decent on men. Just like when boxey woman wear skirts it makes them look even more boxey. It’s just not really flattering to our body shapes unless they are made for our specific body shape, which isn’t always easy to find off the rack. Sure Brad Pitt can pull it off, I could too if I had my own tailer on call or a designer who wanted to make something just for my specific body.

    Not to mention that even with briefs, anything shorter than below knee length has you wondering how much of your junk is exposed when you sit down. I like my man spreading, which is way more comfortable for those of us with more meaty man parts.

    The only perk skirts have are the ability to keep your balls from getting swampy in the summer heat and that is not even worth it imo.

  16. Because I’m not supplicating to this anti-man bullshit social movement, and I’m sure not going to go around wearing a dress so I can virtue signal about it. They can all fuck directly off.

    FWIW I think gender bending fashion is cool when it’s organic, and I look great in guyliner.

  17. Because the modern skirt is typically a feminine piece of clothing meant to enhance a woman’s femininity (IE: showing off more leg, hips, etc), similar to that of high heels, makeup, etc.

    Therefore your average man is not going to want to wear something that enhances femininity- because that’s literally the polar opposite of what attracts most straight women. It’s literally counter intuitive to 99% of most men’s biological goals of “find mate, reproduce and die” which is hard to do when you can’t attract straight women.

    Obviously there are cultural and historical exceptions, but even then, there’s a difference between a modern women’s pencil skirt and an ancient Greek toga.

  18. I’ve worn a kilt to a few formal occasions and it is cooler and more comfortable than suit pants in hot weather. That being said I don’t really feel like it or a skirt provide much of an advantage over shorts in casual situations.

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