I see a lot of posts on Reddit of people that complain about small talk. However, there are way too many girls that I talk to from online dating, before I’ve even met them, I have one good conversation with them and by the next day they’re trying to talk from morning to evening. I’m introverted so I enjoy my space and solitude, but why do I keep finding people that enjoy talking for the sake of talking?
Before people start complaining of how necessary small talk is, I have nothing wrong with small talk and conversation. However, when it’s constant just for the sake of remaining in communication with someone, it really drains me and I feel exhausted. It’s not for everyone. Not every conversation has to be deep, yes, but please just take the hints when I’m not engaged and leave me alone, respectfully! I try to keep the conversations interesting, but it’s the fact that I’m having a drawn out conversation seemingly without end after just having had one 8 hours ago that only ended because I said I was going to sleep.
How can I communicate that I don’t want to talk to someone all the time and I prefer often going days without talking to that person? The person I’m talking to now, I actually mentioned this from day one. However, the small talk ensues.

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