Times are tough atm yo.

  1. I wouldn’t. I understand that even people at my age of 30+ sometimes have good reasons for temporarily not living on their own, which I respect, but I wouldn’t be interested in being in a relationship with them. Living independently would be important for both privacy and practically related reasons. If times were tough for me personally I’d be willing to compromise with everything else in my life to still be able to have my own home, so I’d want my partner to share that mindset too. I also got my first flat at 16, making me even less compatible with someone my age who lives with their parents.

  2. Back in my hometown, I’d be fine with it so long as they’re working towards eventually leaving. I lived with my parents until I was 25 because rent was expensive.

  3. I wouldn’t, I understand the cost of living is hard AF but at 37 I don’t want to be having sneaky, quiet sex with his parents in the next room, or awkward chats with them in the morning.

  4. No. I’m 45 and have been out on my own since 18. The age range I would be dating would be anywhere from 37 to 55 so yeah can’t imagine someone that age with their parents.

  5. Depends on how they are. If they have a good, healthy relationship with boundaries, if the person was helping their parents with bills, housework,… Taking care of their parents and family members. I actually like that.

    But if they have a bad relationship, always fighting, arguing, they don’t respect each other; especially if their parents clean up after them, nope! The mommy boys and daddy girls ain’t for me (I don’t think anyone wants them)

    My bf actually lived with his mother when we started dating, he came home after a 12-14 hour shift and started cooking, when I asked, he said “I want my mother to have something to eat when she gets home from work” it melted my heart. During the weekend, he mowed the law, fixed the fence, sorted out the house bills, etc. His mother is a kind, sweet and loving lady and she has raised a wonderful, caring gentleman.

    Soon we will be married and live together, I hope we can stay close.

  6. I’m okay with it because I also live with my parents. I grew up in the US but I’m from a culture where living with parents is normal, so I don’t see it as a huge deal as most people. As long as the person is responsible and has good boundaries, it doesn’t matter who they live with.

    (Sometimes I wish my boyfriend could live with his parents. He’s in medical school and struggles with money, but unfortunately his parents live really far away).

  7. It would depend on how seriously I was dating. If it’s a fling and they can come to my place, I wouldn’t really care. If it’s longer term it would depend on a lot else about the situation (why living together came about, if they’re doing it to save money have they actually been saving money or not really, did the parents move in with them or they with the parents, how much responsibility would I be taking on to date them, etc., did they ever live separately).

  8. I am. I also live with my parents. It’s not ideal; we’d love to live together, but we can’t afford it, so….

  9. My husband still lived at home when we started dating. He moved in with me about 6 months later. We’ve been together for 16 years now.

  10. Wouldn’t bother me a bit.

    In much of the world, humans live as they have for centuries- in generational homes, with parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, spouses, and offspring- not to mention sometimes aunts, uncles, cousins, and apprentices / business help. For much of the world, the ideal of running off to live by yourself at 18 or 20 seems strange.

  11. In the past I would have but not anymore. I’ve nothing against it as I understand how difficult it is to move out but that would mean they are always around at my place which I don’t want. I want to be on equal footing. To be honest though despite living in an expensive ish city I don’t think I actually know anyone my age who does live at home.

  12. Depends on a few factors:

    Age: dating someone in their 20’s who lives at home is fine and almost expected. Someone in their 30’s I would not rule it out but would wonder the reasoning.

    Reasoning: Like is it because they have fallen on hard times and need the help? Is it because they help their parents due to illness or hardship? Is it because they just… Can’t work or they are saving up to become independent? These are important questions for me.

    Relationship with the parents: are they in a healthy relationship with their parents? Do their parents DEPEND on them living at home?

    All of this to say I would never count someone out just because of this but I need more info. Also, at my age I would question more than say 10 years ago when I was in my 20’s.

  13. Depends on the dynamic between the parents and the person living with them + their reason to do so. I don’t think living on your own automatically makes a person mature, independent and responsible, so as long as I wouldn’t feel like I’m dating their parents and there would be enough privacy, I wouldn’t mind.

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