My husband says this is just an indirect way of saying “i would bang this dudes wife”

Edit: thank you, men of reddit, for confirming that my husband is right based on the situation.

  1. It could be, yeah. Or just a direct compliment to the woman without any sexual implications.

  2. it Depends, if it‘s a woman who’s talented or did something impressive it’s usually about that but if he just met her and knows nothing about her it’s likely just saying she looks good

  3. I once said that to an older female customer at work, trying to be flattering, and presuming her male companion was her husband. But it wasn’t her husband, it was her brother, and she was single…which I found out…cuz she IMMEDIATELY let me know…and then I had a situation on my hands…

    So yeah, be careful with that one.

  4. Context matters, did woman in question just do something of note ie. Cook, dance, hit a bullseye in dart etc. If not he’s most likely complimenting her for her appearance.

  5. The intention is only truly known by the person that says it, however I have heard it in context of a woman being a great cook/baker , or doesn’t mind her husbands hobbies, or the time he spends with friends. It can very much be a compliment of her talents or temperament, but yes the sexual connotation exists in some cases. I feel like the difference is obvious by person and dynamic

  6. Good chance he went home and thought long and hard about you in his closed room with a box of tissues. Sorry.

  7. No limited to sex though.

    I’ve said it after a meal or when a lady is really stepping up for her husband or kids in some way.

  8. Depends on the circumstance. If it was while walking through a new house that is decorated spectacularly, then it is a compliment. Same after a great meal or a fun day out planned by the wife. If it is in a more sexually charged environment, then it probably has a sexual component.

  9. Sure, in the same way that any vaguely complimentary comment between a man and a married woman could be perceived that way if you’re reductionist enough and a cynical prick.

    That comment doesn’t even need to be related to attractiveness, e.g., if the wife just did something really cool or supportive, you might call the husband a lucky man.

  10. It’s about vibes. They’re not in a relationship with you, but you exude a quality that says, your company would be something for a guy to look forward to each night. Usually it’s because of what they see/observe as third parties – it’s probably shallow in that way.

  11. Either he’s sexually attracted to your wife or he’s jealous of how many privileges your wife gives you.

    Like a lot of dudes would be jealous of the wives that let you smoke weed and watch porn in the tub without judgement.

  12. I work with a woman who is married. If she were single I might be interested in her, but because she is married and we work together I just don’t really allow myself to think in those terms.

    I remember thinking (not saying) her husband was a lucky man because she was describing him and he wasn’t particularly career successful, and he’s gotten a bit out of shape since they got married and all that but the way she said it, it was clear she really deeply loved him for who he is and values him for the things he brings to the table (like being a great father) vs. what would generally be expected.

    I think that’s rare and wholesome, and honestly it just warms my heart and renews a sort of hope that real love is possible just to see a good example of it. So he’s lucky, but I would never have any desire to ruin a beautiful thing.

  13. I don’t know why people here are saying your husband is right. It depends on context. The phrase itself has nothing in particular to do with sexual interest.

  14. its not specifically about sex .

    its a way to give a compliment but not directly say it to the person.

    you can be eating a lovely meal and say to the cook that her husband is a lucky man .

  15. Kinda depends on the context. If it’s to a guy he doesn’t know and he also doesn’t the that guy’s wife it’s a way of saying “I’d bang her” but if it’s to/about a female friend he has known for years it’s more of a compliment(not sure if that’s the right word I’m not a native English speaker)

  16. It’s an open ended compliment, a slight probe with plausible deniability should you take offense. You have a choice on how to respond, if you say “Yes, he is”, then flirt mode is easily shut down, no harm done.
    Now if your reply is, “Yes, he is, but he doesn’t know it, doesn’t care”… then that’s a clear signal for flirt mode to continue.

  17. I only say that when I really believe that the women I’m referring to is very respectful and is a great person.

  18. Your husband was pretty accurate imo, yeah. 99% of the times it’s a way to hit on someone married or in a relationship while disguising it as a friendly compliment.

    The other 1% may just be clueless people that heard it in a movie or something and thought it sounds cool. But unless a clearly overall naive person, stick to the 99%.

  19. “Your husband is lucky bc I’m currently thinking of what it’d be like to have sex with you and he gets to really do it.”

  20. More accurately, it’s a way of saying she’s attractive whilst acknowledging she’s married and not to be approached.

  21. “Your husband is a lucky man” = “I am communicating that I would like to fuck you in the most respectful way I can.”

  22. Am dude. I always thought of it as a “you’re cool as shit, and would make a good partner” compliment. Not just sex, but fun to hang out with, or maybe talented, like if you made some awesome meal that put me out.

  23. Might take heat for this, but why wasn’t it enough when your husband explained it to you?

  24. It doesn’t necessarily mean they want to bang. She could be a great cook or something as well. It just means she’s a catch in some way.

  25. Yeah you have to know exactly what this means.

    Even if you are as innocent as a church mouse and honestly did not know, why not take what your husband said as a man, to be true?

    Men do not compliment women they don’t want sex from. It is really the only reason we don’t just treat you like other men. Seriously.

    Do other men go around complimenting other men? Are they generally even nice to other men? A strong man will, but by in large – no.

    Why would he lie to you?

    Something smells kinda hypergamy in here.

  26. Anything from “this woman is very much attractive” to “I’d bang this woman in a heartbeat”.

  27. Nah it’s not just a indirect way of saying: I would bang this dudes wife
    There is many reasons to say it.

  28. Whatever the last thing you did that a typical man would enjoy in a relationship is what he’s referring to. He might have simply been calling you hot, but if you had just done something like and your husband a beer or finished cooking a nice meal, odds are he was referring to that

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