When I meet another man I judge him heavily on the way he shakes my hand. What things do you notice that effects the level of respect you have for another man?

  1. People who are loud for no reason or do other stuff to purposely draw attention to themselves. If you’re the kind of person who needs to be the center of attention, I’m happier not knowing you.

  2. Littering in the street. Regardless if it’s a man or a woman – it put then as non-humans for me.

  3. Knowingly sleep with another mans wife / GF

    Talk shit about a “friend”

    Share intimate details / photos / texts about SOs

    Overt racism / bigotry / sexism

    Willful ignorance and claiming to be knowledgeable on a topic when clearly not

    Those that cannot accept that others have different views and their point of view is valid to them

  4. Boasting, being cocky and arrogant. Trying to tell me how amazing he is at everything all the time.

    If you’re so incredible, show us proof of it or shut the fuck up.

  5. Handshake tells you nothing. I’ve met total welps who have an iron grasp.

    For me, it’s how they treat those who serve them.

  6. This might sound weird, but someone with poor etiquette. Like chewing with their mouth open, not speaking to people respectfully, cursing all the time, things like that. Get it together dude

  7. You judge them *heavily* on how they *shake your hand*? I can’t help but judge you based on this.

    How they treat their loved ones or people who serve them.

  8. sorry op, but when dudes shake my hand and it seems like their main goal is to prove dominance by trying to break my hand, i immediately lose all respect. that tells me all i need to know about the kind of guy you are

  9. men who are impatient with people who are struggling and doing their best. or when men repeat something multiple times to someone who isn’t understanding as opposed to pausing and trying to understand why it might be hard for them.

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