Women who had lost a lot of weight shortly, what happened?

  1. At different times in my life, quick and significant weight loss has been caused by:

    * serious illness
    * eating disorder relapse
    * poverty

  2. Gained it all back within a year 😑😑. And this has happened multiple times. Just sick of this shit at this point 😞

  3. Losing a lot of weight in a short time caused havoc for me because I wasn’t diligent enough at first with eating the right foods and supplements if I couldn’t.

    Another thing was how I was treated. I didn’t feel invisible before but after I felt almost TOO visible. I’ve never been super outgoing but it was hard at first. I think I stay in more now that I’ve lost the weight. Also no matter how long ago the weight loss was, always always there’s one person who wants to talk about the old days.

  4. I lost 25 lbs in a month with no negative side effects and kept it off for 15 years. I felt and looked better

  5. It is disheartening to see how different you get treated. Like you were just there before and now you’re a person. It honestly made me spiral and not want to meet anybody. Made me feel like my worth is solely based upon my weight. This extends across all spheres of life, not just dating in my experience. But the biggest difference in behavior was from straight men.

  6. I have lost up to 10-15 kg in too little time, and it has never been intentional. Me gaining weight has mostly been tied to my chronic illness.

    1 I was motivated and feeling well, exercising etc. Lost the weight without entirely realizing until much later lol.

    2 I had half a year with constant nausea. I ate more unhealthy than I ever have before or after, as I had a hard time eating anything but the most unhealthy. Still ate so little I went from a for me chubby weight, to underweight. Probably caused by my chronic illness.

    3 Changed my diet for health reasons because of ny chronic illness. I am trying to eat very clean, but when I eat super clean (while trying to eat as much as I physically can) I lose weight, too much and too quickly. Still haven’t figured that one out.

  7. I lost 25 lbs due to starving myself when I was 19 (109). I’m now 159, I’m trying to lose it and it seems to be working . I lost 6 lbs in a week.

  8. I’m not sure what qualifies as shortly but as someone who’s struggled with weight their entire life I lost 60 lbs in 5 months by playing Bear Saber daily for an hour and watching what I ate.

  9. Went through a divorce which triggered a 50 pound weight loss. Happened quickly, over the span of a year. I gained 20 pounds back 😒 I am going to lose these pounds because I have NEVER felt as confident in my body as I did when I lost that weight.

    I was wearing clothes I never dared to wear in public – Crop tops, tights jeans, spaghetti strap tanks. But it wasn’t even about the weight. I just felt GOOD! I felt confident! I miss that feeling more than anything.

  10. Since I know people treat you differently if you are thin, I disregard it because it doesn’t make me feel different as a person. The only thing I like is the variety of discounted clothes I can buy from the outnet during their big annual sale! Otherwise, unless you develop a healthy relationship with food, you run the risk of what you eat or don’t eat running your life, or exercise or both. That is my experience with being thin in my twenties after being a pudgy preteen and teen, then gaining weight after three kids and illness, to getting back in shape. I did let food be a bigger part of my life in my twenties, I learned healthy eating habits, but now with kids I can’t get too obsessive. I didn’t think I was obsessive at the time, but looking back I definitely was.

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