I used to be able to see the stars. I even named my favorite stars when I was younger… I called them “Leo” because it has 3 letters and it was 3 stars. The 3 stars were lined up perfectly and their distance weren’t far about but they shone the brightest in the sky. Every night I would look up and just stare at them for couple minutes but now I can’t even see stars in the sky. It’s just the dark sky, nothing else. Thanks light pollution.

  1. That innocent feeling that everything will turn out just fine. Now I look at the world and all I think is “We’re fucked.”

  2. OP. Those 3 stars are still in the sky. Go and find a dark place! To me, countless things from childhood were lost!

  3. The happiness when I got a kinder bueno or any cool chocolate. Nowadays, I’m just getting my own money by working. Buying the same chocolate that made my childhood awesome, the kind of pleasure has vanished. I know, It sounds silly, but these tiny happinness just made my childhood wholesome

  4. My epic HotWheels Collection

    I am still 100% certain that my cousin stole one of my cars when we were younger and I will never forgive her

  5. Getting picked up and using adults as my own personal playset. Getting spun around and tossed across the room onto the bed.

  6. Aside from the innocent feelings, lack of anxiety, and pressures of adulthood, I miss seeing lightning bugs/fire flies in the yard on summer nights. We’d catch them and put them in an old candy box.

  7. I don’t remember what it was called but there was this game system thing. It was a controller with a cord you plugged into the tv, it has a Spider-Man game on it and I played it religiously( I wasn’t allowed to go outside or make friends), until it was thrown into the trash by my mom.

  8. That sensation of laying in the living room of my old childhood home on a sunny afternoon with the faint humming of an airplane flying overhead.

    The sensation of eating breakfast at 6am getting ready for daycare while my parents have KOMO 4 news playing in the background and it’s raining outside.

    The feeling of weekends truly being free and full of fun. Now weekends just feel like a short break from my job, a time for me to run errands with limited time to actually relax.

  9. I miss my Bburago (not sure how to spell it) collection and my giant farm legos (basically a huge farmhouse with stables and horses/flowers), I also miss my yellow owl clock. Oh, and my colour changing matchboxes, my Polly pocket, and my talking bear. There was also a toy, when you gave him a kiss it lit up😂😂

    The most I miss is my grandpa and daddy, and our lake house, and mums cocoa drink, spending time with the family and being cuddled all day long☺️

  10. Knowledge about dinosaurs, like, men, I used to know everything, but now all I remember is because of jurassic park

  11. An actual dream. After I flunked out of college, I kinda just started shambling from job to job so I wish I still had that hopeful spirit back.

  12. I miss the feeling of being genuinely loved just for existing. Everyday is a battle now to even love myself let alone let the world in.

  13. I had a metal foundry as a kids toy. The 90s were crazy. Would be cool to have that again.

    Metal Molders was the name. You melted down pewter and made little figures with it.

  14. If I’m bored being able to just walk down the street and knock on my friends’ doors to get a whiffle ball or basketball game going or just hangout. Now it’s like I need to plan everything out months in advance because everyone has to cram shit into two days out of the week due to work so everyone including myself is busy all the time.

  15. Fantasy. I could lock myself up in my room. Build something with Lego and once the build was done, I could enjoy myself hours on end with it. I would imagine a whole world around it.

    And ignorance. You were not aware of life. You had no bills to pay, no groceries to do and barely any obligations. I had a nice childhood 🙂

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