Got head in June 11, penis became irritated 2 days later and inflamed. couldn’t have an erection for 3 days so went to urgent care. They gave me a shot of cerifoxone and that help with inflammation, started to get erection again and slowly to get better. Tested for sti, herpes, hiv, etc all negative. Tested twice. Became better in two week in July, started masturbating again and then my penis tip became irritated and let my penis rest. Now my tip irritation comes and goes and have dribbling after I pee 😩. What could this be? Got a urologist appt soon also plan on taking herpes test 12 week for accurate results.

  1. Honestly the only way to know for sure is through testing and talking to your doctor. I wouldn’t recommend trying to speculate from internet strangers. You have dr’s appointments set, which is great. Stick with them and talk to them. Good luck.

  2. Sounds like some sort of urinary tract infection, but the urologist is the only one who can tell you for sure.

  3. From your description, it doesn’t *sound* like herpes. That doesn’t mean you don’t have herpes, but what you described just doesn’t sound like herpes to me.

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