2007. 11th Grade.

I stood up to my bully and don’t regret it one bit. Got suspended and decided to change schools. Didn’t give a fuck.

Haven’t punched anyone since then. I’m 32 now. I came close to hitting someone a number of times but I restrained myself.

  1. In a boxing gym.

    We were boxing.

    That’s literally the only context in which I’ve *ever* punched someone in the face, because, y’know, I’m an adult.

  2. Outside a boxing ring, I’ve only ever been in one fight, right towards the end of my senior year of high school. It was over a girl and the whole thing was stupid. I accounted for myself well, but it’s fine with me if I never fight again.

  3. Over two decades ago. It was more a warning than a real punch. Fortunately the guy understood and stopped harassing me.

  4. Never punched the face. I always aimed for the diaphragm to end things quickly. School fights so it’s not like anyone was building to become a professional fighter for the most part. Felt bad with the last one because he kept physically bullying me even after warnings. Found out he had asthma once the punch came out.

  5. Bar fight. 1990. I was 35.

    And I started it. Guy spit on a lady in our friend group, because she walked away from him on the dance floor when he groped her.

  6. In my early twenties at a bar after a close pool game that the other dude was real cocky about. After I lost he kept aggressively saying “what are you gonna do!?” and got in my face.I punched him, he fell and was out. His friends took care of him and I left. I regret it.

    Bonus – the night after a friend of mine was at another bar playing pool against a guy with a swollen face that asked him “you’re not going to hit me if you lose right?”.

  7. The last fight I had was absolutely pathetic. I was wearing an arsenal jacket and some drink guy insulted me and threw his drink on me. At the time I had a broken foot “from a fight a few weeks prior which was actually my fault” but I couldn’t just let it slide so we had an absolutely shambolic little rumble, me with a broken foot barely able to walk and some fat drunk northern bloke rolling around in the mud. His friend dragged me.off him and said come on mush that’s enough.

  8. 2014 , fear. A psychotic inmate had assaulted two officers outside a dining hall with about two hundred inmates inside. As zone Sargent I was first there. He came at me punching with his right while trying to pull out one of the two improvised bladed weapons in his coat pockets. I struck him with a left hook fracturing his orbital bone and knocking him down. I ended up dislocating his elbow disarming him on the ground and cuffing him with help from an officer who somehow looked at me differently after that.

  9. Somewhere in my 20’s, as usual some immigrant trying to steal my bicycle after a night out, I beat him up pretty badly, I don’t know what happened to him after that, don’t care either.
    I’m 36 now so, and did not have a reason to punch someone in the face again.

  10. 2011 my former brother in law came to my house to drop my niece off to her mom. He started arguing with my mother and hit her in the face. Spent the next 81 minutes “time it took from calling 911 til the sheriff arrived” beating the hell out of this man. Never had I felt such rage before. I should have lost. He tried stabbing me, had 6” and 50lbs on me.

  11. Over 20 years ago in high school. A friend of mine tried to trick my by pissing in a water bottle. Someone else told me before I drank it but I was mad friend would do that. He apologized after I hit him.

  12. About 7 years ago. My son. He was out of control, expelled from school and acting like the juvenile court appearance we just came from was no big deal. Didn’t do anything to him. I sprained my thumb and had it in a soft cast for a few weeks.

  13. 6th grade.

    Now I’ve got way too much to lose to go around putting myself in situations where I might need to punch someone.

    Got sucker punched and KOd in college trying to break up a fight. Do not recommend.

  14. In college during a brawl, so like 2009ish. One of my fraternity brothers hit on some girl at the bar, and then her boyfriend sucker punched him in the face. But then that guy and his 3 friends discovered that they were in a fight with 16 people.

    Somehow I squared off against this dude who was like 6”3, nearly a foot taller than I am. I hit him as hard as I could, and knocked him down on his ass, and felt so proud of myself. Of course he was getting up to stomp the shit out of me, I didn’t KO him or anything, but fortunately he got side-tacked by one of my brothers and went down again before kicking my ass.

    Good times. I’m 36 now, and very glad that my fighting days are behind me. But it a fun to look back on sometimes.

  15. Probably in my teenage years.

    Round about the age of 18 and I’m 25 now, it was back when there was only one gay bar in my town and it was common place to beat the shit out of queers. Young gay me wasn’t ready to get beaten into a hospital.

  16. Same year but freshman year of college for me. Suitemate was drunk and got mad over me playfully throwing a pillow at him. He runs into my room throwing wild punches and I had to defend myself so I swung back. Caught him right in the eye and he had a black eye for a few weeks after. He deserved it.

  17. Probably around the same age. Kid on my team was jealous I got all the playing time despite my being one of the best players on the team. He disrespected our coach, so I punched him in the chin, and he dropped.

  18. Junior high school in 92. I don’t do it anymore because I’m no longer a child and have no other reason to strike someone

  19. A fight in high school. My friend was getting his face caved in. That guy’s buddy didn’t like me trying to get his friend off of mine. I remember cracking him across the jaw, but then his friend was done with mine, I got double teamed and blacked out. That was 30 years ago. I think since then, I shoved one guy that was getting handsy at a bar. Turns out, the girl I was with had fucked him in the bathroom. Sorry, nameless bar patron, I should have let you drive her home.

  20. I have never deliberately hit someone to cause harm.
    I’ve accidentally broken a guy’s nose by throwing a large stick in middle school. I’ve accidently hit people while turning around without looking, and i’ve hit people while in padding in karate classes, but never intending harm

  21. Never, I was always a big guy and avoid violence like the plague. One punch can do some serious damage and I’ve never really seen it result in a positive outcome for anyone involved.

  22. When I was 13. He came at me swinging. Had to swing back. Still not really sure why he wanted to fight me.

  23. About 10 years ago. I had a guy attack me out of road rage. A few years prior to that a guy sexually assaulted my wife and a couple of her friends. I’ve never been violent for any reason other than to defend myself or someone who could not defend themselves.

  24. When I was a little kid fighting with my sister

    I’m not a pacifist but I don’t like fighting so I avoid it as much as I can. Guess I got it all out of my system as a kid.

  25. I was 35 y/o.

    Driving in my home town in the mountains of Colorado when the guy in front of me threw all of his Burger King trash out of the window. I caught up to him at the next light and I had some words for him. We got out of the cars and he told me “that’s how we do it in Philly” then he tried to spit on me, and that’s when I punched him in the face. I’m not exactly proud of myself, but I’m not upset about it either. I could have just picked up the trash myself.

  26. I was probably 15 or 16, meaning this was about 16 or 17 years ago (fuck). I was testing for my brown belt which meant eight consecutive rounds of sparring (against 8 fresh opponents, of course), and even though headshots were against the rule by round 6 or 7 I had very little say in wear my fists were landing, at that point just being able to throw them felt like an achievement.

  27. The guy my ex cheated on me with, had her keys since me and her had a lease on an apartment. He was coming up the stairs with a suitcase telling me he was spending the night at my place……

    Yes u are reading that correctly, so I kicked his ass.

  28. Never had to punch anyone. I guess because I look like I would and could. Never been punched either. I feel fortunate.

    I have had dudes threaten me, but the conversation goes like this. “I’ll kick your ass man!” Me: “Do it now because I don’t believe you. Them “I’m crazy! You’ll be sorry!” Me: Buddy, you’re still flapping, start with the ass kicking.” Them: “I could beat you down!” Me yawning “I’m losing interest Clyde, do your worst.” Them “I’m crazy!” Me “Sure thing pal, now are we done here? I don’t have time to waste on you.” He walks away saying “Your lucky I’m in a good mood!” 😶🙄😆 The small scared dog is the one who barks the loudest.

  29. I recently kicked my father’s best friend, a man who was in my childhood in the face. He is a convicted peadophile and abused my childhood friend, his neice. I bumped into him at a festival. Haven’t seen the man since I was 12, 26 years. We spoke for over an hour until we figured it out. I was a first gob smacked, then he made a comment about how cute I was when I was a kid. I walked away and looked for the messages his neice sent to me a decade ago. Confirmed it and went back.

    I don’t feel remotely bad. I went back again and tried to get him to stand up and come outside (the marquee) with me. Then told security.

    He made me very uncomfortable as a child, would get erections when I sat on his knee.

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