I get really shy when we’re making out or he gets me pinned and we make eye contact. I usually cover my eyes and apologize and he’s totally fine with it cause he knows I’m still new to this stuff. Everything is great but I feel so shy and embarrassed. I even told him to put a blanket over his head when I gave him a blow job cause I was too self conscious 😭😭. I don’t want him seeing the face I’m making. How can I get over this? Cause I want to be able to look at him when we have these intimate times.

  1. I guess it just goes away the less time you spend thinking about it. I know full weel thats easier said but trust, nothing bad will happen if youre seen enjoying. If it does they are being a dick and dont deserve to see again.

  2. It’ll surely go away with time. At the beginning of my relationship I was the same. But my SO is pretty much into eye contact and through that we sometimes locked eyes by accident. With time I was able to hold this glance longer and now I love eye contact too.
    Maybe just try to look in his eyes for a split of a second and try to hold the eyecontact longer every time.

  3. Maybe instead of playing into your shyness, you could make it more sensual. Before you go to give him a bj, kiss him and give him a blindfold. Having one of his senses removed might amp up the pleasure for him but also allow him to be more vocal and reassuring while allowing you to not focus on being watched?
    It will take time, but keep being open and honest. Sex can be a very vulnerable thing, and there’s nothing wrong with a dark room and a few candles to allow JUST enough lighting.

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